Too Many Drinks to Count (pt.1)

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Well, this is a great first impression.

You finally were able to make it to one of the famous masquerades, and yet you were somehow stuck basically babysitting the biggest brat in all of Vesuvia. This is absolutely not what you expected.

Julian showed up, chatted for a few minutes, then ran off, probably to find alcohol and cause shenanigans. Countess Nadia had briefly stopped to greet us and list a few events before rushing off to welcome in more guests. Unfortunately you heard Count Lucio several times, luckily managing to avoid him. Even though you came with Asra, he pulled his usual disappearing act and there's no clue to where he is now. Actually, if Julian was getting into the alcohol then you did have a clue.

Sighing while scanning over the sea of people in the entryway, you decided to take a walk around to look for the events that Nadia had mentioned. Some had peaked your interest and you set off. 'Food might be best first though,' you thought while your stomach reminded you its here. You hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was evening, food was definitely needed now.

Even though you knew your way through the halls, it was much harder to navigate the when the entire palace had half the city in it. Pushing through the crowds, you followed a delicious smell into one of the banquet halls. Inside was tables that were stacked with food from meats, vegetables, fruits, breads, desserts, EVERYTHING. Eyes widening at the glorious sight, you quickly grabbed a plate and piled it high before making your way over to a small table in the corner to eat in peace.

"This is the BEST thing I've EVER eaten," you mumbled to yourself while devouring the food. You sat for a few minutes after your plate was empty, thinking of what to do next when you spotted a bar on the opposite end of the banquet tables. "Screw it, I never drink but let's splurge tonight," you chuckled while you made your way over to get a drink.

You weren't far down your glass when you spotted a slightly concerned looking Nadia quickly making her way toward you.

"Thank goodness I found you!" She took a few deep breaths before brushing her outfit flat and regaining her usual elegant composure. "I desperately need your help. Asra is nowhere to be found, Julian is too busy entertaining guests, which I wish he weren't, and the staff are no help."

"Hold on, hold on," you put a finger up to pause her nervous rambling, "what is happening that you need my help?"

"Its my husband," you could just hear her roll her eyes, "Count Lucio."

Count. Fucking. Lucio.

That pretentious fool irritated you when you first met, and still does every time you see him now.

"Oh no, what about him? Did something happen?" Her nerves had moved to you as ridiculous scenarios ran through your mind, "why do you need my help?"

"I need someone to watch after him for me."

"Watch...after him? What? What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, he has drank more than his alcohol tolerance." She let out a breath and placed a hand on her hip, "he's making an absolute ass out of himself. Making this whole masquerade a joke. After I spent all this time and effort planning everything, and he just-"

"Nadia," you placed a hand on her shoulder to stop the rant, "calm down and tell me what I need to do."

"Occupy him." She said bluntly as you removed your hand, "I need him occupied to stay out of the way. To stop making himself the biggest embarrassment in all of Vesuvia. And you need to do it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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