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"Now remember, everyone! We will be having a show and tell on our Family Day next month, so be sure to remind your parents about the date so they can find the time to come with you," Their teacher, Yumi-sensei, reminded them when it was just a few minutes before their classes end.

"Sensei! Sensei!" a student called, raising his hand, and catching everyone's attention. "What about Kuroko-san?"

Tetsuya stilled at the mention of his name.

Yumi's cheery smile faded. "Mitsuko-kun, it's not nice to tease," she said, "Remember that everyone, okay? No matter what you still have to be friendly to each other,"

A collective answer of 'Hai' was to be heard from the students.

"It's alright, sensei," Tetsuya said with a smile. "Nii-san told me to not mind them,"

Yumi smiled at Tetsuya and she wondered how such a wonderful boy would lose his parents at a young age with his older brother left to take care of him.

She remembered when Tetsuya first arrived at their school with the president of the Akashi Corp. beside him with the principal guiding them to her classroom. Yumi was left gaping at the handsome young redhead who stood there with confidence and power, only then did she met Tetsuya whom he introduced to be his brother-- complete opposites if you'd ask her, as Akashi stood with power while Tetsuya stood there beside him and smiled at her bashfully.

That was when the principal called her in her office the day her class ended and she was clarified with the situation-- Tetsuya suffered a traumatic childhood that caused him to have separation anxiety and would shy away from strangers. Feeling sorry for such a lovely kid, Yumi swore she'd do her best as a teacher to try and help him adjust to his new environment and the redhead businessman who radiated power smiled at her gratefully and she suddenly didn't see a powerful tyrant before her, but rather a young man who loved his younger brother very much and would do anything to keep him safe and be able to live a complete and normal life.


Three students approached Tetsuya after class as he packed his bag and prepared to leave the room. Yumi had to run to do a class report so she left ahead, trusting that her students would not make any fuss and would carry on with their own businesses and go home-- unfortunately, she was wrong.

"Ne, Kuroko-kun!" A boy named Mako said as Yoshi and a third boy named Kiro stood behind him. "You aren't coming to Family Day, aren't you?"

Tetsuya cocked his head in confusion, "I am, why do you ask?" he answered.

"You can't go!" Yoshi said, who seemed to have not learned his lesson from the trip to the principal's office. "Only those with a family can go!"

"But I have--"

"Big brothers don't count!" Mako said, "You have to have a mother and father to attend the event,"

"And since you don't have either, you can't come," Kiro said.

"But I have a mother and father," Tetsuya mumbled.

"Ne, stop lying Kuroko-kun," Yoshi said, "You don't have a mother and father. They didn't even come to our meeting with the principal and only your brother was present then. Papa told me you don't have parents and that you only have your older brother and his friends with you,"

"T-that's not true!" Tetsuya argued, "My Mama and Papa are working far away, that's why... that's why they couldn't make it,"

"If that's true then we will see them on Family Day," Kiro said.

"If we catch you lying, we will tell on teacher and the others," Mako said and the three of them turned and left.

"But... I'm not lying..." Tetsuya mumbled to himself.

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