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(Trying our a different writing style that might be easier, be sure to tell me what you think)


A bandit flew through the air and hit a tree, grunting he slid to the floor

Bandit: "that semblance of yours is no fair!"

Y/N: "then perhaps you shouldn't complain when you're defeated so easily"

Y/n cracked his knuckles and smirked slightly before voices from the centre of camp attracted his attention.

Y/N: "One moment..."

Y/N walked around a tent and spotted Yang. He spotted her heading towards Raven's tent and a moment later was directly inbetween Yang and the tent. Yang paused for a moment before she got into a combat stance, starting to walk up to Y/N

Y/N: "so, you're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me? Even though you don't know anything about what I can do, like an arrogant child who jumps headfirst into trouble without thinking?"

Yang: "I can't get past you to talk to my mother without getting closer.."

Y/N: "Hoho, then come as close as you need to!"

The two walked up towards each other and Yang swang with her robotic arm, only for a yellow fist to meet hers, Yang looked up to see an armoured figure in front of Y/N. Y/N smirked and the figure started to let loose with a series of punches that Yang could barely deflect. Yang's eyes turned red and her hair glowed slightly as she started to go on the offensive, only for their fists to become locked together. Y/N smiled slightly but before either of them could make a move, Raven walked from her tent

Raven: "that's enough Y/N!"

The world faded back into Y/N, leaving Yang slightly off balance, she turned to Raven as Y/N walked back to the tent and stood by her and Vernal.

Yang: Mom. 

Raven: Yang. So, after all this time you finally decided to visit me. 

Yang felt her left hand shaking once again, but she used her robotic hand to calm it down. 

Yang: You know that I searched for you. I spent years looking for you. 

Raven: And you've found me. You were patient, determined, and strong enough to make your dream a reality. Well done, Yang. But did you have to be so rough with my men? 

Yang: I didn't want a fight. They started it. 

Raven: Well, you certainly finished it.  Silence. Y/N shuffled his feet uneasily, unsure of what to do now.

Raven: Right. I'm sure this is all very overwhelming. But I must admit that you've proven yourself. So any questions you have I'll be happy to answer. You can stay with us tonight. I'll even have the cooks whip up something for you. 

Yang: That's not why I am here. 

Raven: What was that? 

Yang: I'm not here for you. Ruby is somewhere in Mistral. She's with Qrow, and she's going to need my help. I just need you to take me to her.

Raven: And why would I do that? 

Yang: Because we're family. 

Raven scowled, and muttered to herself

Raven: Family. Only coming around when they need something. I have to say, I'm disappointed. After all, you found me, didn't you? Why not take that drive and use it to find your little sister if she means that much to you? 

Yang: Because you're going to save me time. Ruby was heading to Mistral, but there's no guarantee she's made it there. Looking for her in Anima could take ages. But... Dad told me how your Semblance works.

Raven: (under her breath) Tai...

Yang: You can bond to certain people. And when you do, you could create a portal that takes you straight to them. You've got one for Dad. One for me. And you've got one for Qrow. He promised me he'd watch out for Ruby before he left. And I trust him. So, make a portal to my uncle and sister, and I'll be on my way.

Raven: You know, it takes real strength to march in here and demand such a favor of me. I've got to say, I'm impressed. It's very noble to want to help out your sister. But if she's with Qrow, then she's already a lost cause.

Yang: What does that mean?

Y/N: What Raven's trying to say is that to blindly trust in Ozpin is to basically doom yourself

Raven: That's exactly it Y/N

Yang: I don't care what either of you think.

Y/N tensed slightly and scowled

Raven: Your choice is your own. All I'm suggesting is that instead of getting wrapped up in something too big for you, for any of us, that maybe you take a moment to wonder if you're already where you belong.

Yang: Save your breath. You can spout off whatever you want, but nothing is going to keep me from my sister.

Raven: Well, aren't you stubborn.

Yang: I get it from my mom.

Raven: Well, if that's how you feel, then it sounds like we're done here. Take her away, Y/N!

Y/N nodded and moved to grab Yangs arm, but she moved away

Yang: Did you not hear me?

Raven turned back around before she can enter her tent

Yang: I said send me to Qrow, damn it!

her eyes turned red as she spouted her last statement

Y/N stepped back for a moment. One of the bandits spoke up

Bandit Two Electric Boogaloo: That's enough! You watch your mouth in front of our leader!

some of the bandits tensed up behind him

Yang: Make me.

Bandit Two tried to attack Yang, Yang punched the Bandit into Y/N, who caught him.

Yang: "come on then tough guy!"

Y/N: "Tch, fine"
Y/N smirked and the world appeared in front of him, starting up a powerful attack rush


With the last 'MUDA', the world punched Yang in the gut, forcing her backwards into the wall of logs surrounding the camp.

Yang darted from the resulting smoke with red eyes and firey hair.

Raven paused

Raven: "Do it"


A fluid like bubble expanded from Y/N and the world started to darken as time slowed down. Without wasting any time, The world punched Yang and once time resumed, she was sent flying back. It didn't appear that she could absorb the blows taken during stopped time as this time she didn't get any stronger.

Yang: "Bastard...this is impossible!"

Y/N: "not impossible, just a bit unlikely"

Raven spoke up

Raven: "You two. In my tent. Now."

Yang got up shakily and followed them inside.

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