letter to my depressed self

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Dear depressed self,
        I know you are struggling right now, but I need you to know that this feeling will pass. I also need you to know that depression is a lying asshole. You are not a failure. You are not destined to screw everything up. You have done a lot of good things in your life. You do have friends, and they do love you. You will  feel joy again, and you are on the right path.
     I know your body feels like dead bricks are weighing you down and it feels so hard to do anything, but try to go for a walk. If you can't do that, do some yoga. If you can't do that, take a bath. Also, ask for help. And drink lots of water.
    I love you so much, and I am sorry you are hurting. You'll get through this.

XO Happy Joyelle


Heyo I was bored and decided to to write this and I am saying this clearly that I do NOT own this but I decided to put this here because I wanted to. 😊

Letters to yourself when you're feeling down:)Where stories live. Discover now