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As Taeyong looked through the movies on Netflix, something caught my eye. "Uuh, Tyong. Can we watch Dirty dancing. It's one of my favourite movies." He nodded and started the movie.

An hour into the movie I started feeling cold so I moved closer to Taeyong. He took a blanket from the end of the couch and put it around us. He hugged me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

After a few minutes I heard soft snores coming from Taeyong. I smiled and turned off the laptop. After a few minutes of watching him sleep, cuz he's so cute, I carefully moved from the couch but a hand stopped me and moved me towards my first position. "Please stay." He mumbled softly and i nodded slowly, letting a quiet okay soon after.

I took my phone and messaged yeri saying that I'm sleeping over at Taeyong's place. I leaned his head on my shoulder and then leaned my head on his head. I closed my eyes and after a few minutes fell asleep.


I slowly opened my eyes. "Huh- Oh yeah, I'm at Taeyong's." I looked at the person beside me. "Good morning." He spoke with a husky morning voice and smiled. "What time is it?"

I shrugged and looked at my phone. "IT'S ALREADY 11 AM?!?" I screeched when I saw the time. "The girls are gonna kill me!!"  I screamed and quickly got up. "Uh, I'm gonna go to Yeri's apartment. I'll be back in half an hour or something." I quickly run towards the apartment only to be met with smiling face of Jiyoung. "Well look who decided to show up."

I shyly scratched the back of my neck and walked towards the couch where she was sitting. "I'm gonna go change." She nodded and I walked into my room. After changing into the outfit Yeri chose for me I walked downstairs where Jiyoung brushed my hair and put a hairpin so my bangs dont get into my eyes.

"Now about makeu-"I cut her off. "No makeup." She pouted. "Bu-" I cut her off again, looking for my stuff. "No buts. You know I don't like makeup and I've had enough of everything with the two of you last night." I finished as I started putting on my converse shoes. She pouted but after I was done getting ready she smiled. "Have fun."

I smiled and nodded. "Thanks." Then I walked our towards Tyong's apartment. I knocked on the door and Taeyong opened them immediately. He was looking at me wide eyed. "I look dumb, I know."

"N-No, you look great. I-it's just, I have never seen you wearing this kind of clothes." He said as he locked the door and we started walking out of the building. "T-Thanks. You look amazing too."

I said shyly and he chuckled. "I always wear clothes like this." I looked at him. "I know." He smirked at me. "So you're telling me I always look good?"

"Mhm."I hummed in response as I kept kicking a small rock in front of me. "So, where are we going?" I asked with a smile and looked at him. "I don't know, where do you wanna go?" Taeyong said and I thought for a bit.

"How about, we go get something to eat and then we can go to mall." I explained and he nodded. We walked towards one of the restaurants nearby and entered. "Where do you want to sit?" He asked me and i pointed to one of the places in the back. The place was in the corner and didn't have any tables nearby but it also had a beautiful view on one of the parks outside.

Taeyong nodded and we walked towards the place and sat down. After a few moments the waitress brought us two menus and left. "What are you going to order?" I asked looking at the menu. "I'm going to choose whatever you choose." He said and I nodded.

After a minute the waitress came and we ordered. "Sorry for making you stay last night." He said and scratched the back of his head. I shook my head and smiled. "It's okay." Then I shyly looked at the table. "It was cute."

He blushed and i blushed too. "Uh, I-I don't know if thats a good thing." I awed, he was so cute sksksksksk. "Cute." I mumbled to myself. "What?" He asked and I shook my head. "Nothing."

Taeyong nodded and looked at the table but I saw him smirk. "What's the smirk for?" I asked and he shook his head. "N-Nothing." He awkwardly said. I was about to say something but the waitress came with our orders so we started eating.

After we were done eating Taeyong went to pay even tho I insisted I would pay. "Let's go." He said as he took his stuff from the table. I nodded and took my bag, leaving right after him. "Mall?"

I nodded and we walked towards the mall. "Do you have anything in your mind that you want to buy?"  He asked and I shook my head. "No, not rea-" Then a plushie caught my attention. I quickly run to the store, pulling Taeyong after me.

"Look how cute this is!!" I screeched and he chuckled. I hugged the plushie and started walking towards the cashier but Taeyong pulled me back and showed me another cute plushie. "THATS SO CUTE WHAT THE ACTUAL SKDKSKSK?!!" I said and run to the other plushie. I took the other plushie too but pouted after I saw the price.

"It's  too expensive." I said and walked towards the cashier with a pout, Taeyong followed behind me and after I payed for the plushie I walked outside but Taeyong stayed inside talking with the girl cashier. She wrote something down and both of them smiled, after that he waved at her and walked outside towards me.

I decided not to ask anything and we walked through the mall. "Where do you want to go now?" I asked and he smiled. "I have a place in mind." He said and I nodded. "Let's go there then." Taeyong took my hand and we run towards  a bus station near the mall. After a few moments the bus came and we walked inside, Taeyong paying for both of our tickets(?).

We sat at the empty places we found in the back. "Thank you." I said and he looked at me. "For what?" Taeyong pouted. "For paying for the tickets. " I smiled and he shook his head. "Ah, no, it's nothing. I'm taking you somewhere so it's only fair if i payed."

I nodded and after a hour we were at our destination. Taeyong took my hand and dragged me towards some forest. After a few moments of walking through the forest we arrived to a beautifully decorated place. "It's beautiful." I awed.

It was a beach with a beautiful view. He smiled. "I hoped you would like it." I looked at the sea in front of me. "How did you find a placw like this?" I asked and he shrugged. "When I was a kid I liked to run away from the town and everything. I found this place quite amazing and I wanted to find someone special and make it our little place."

I smiled and hugged him. "Thats so cute." He chuckled and I blushed. Taeyong sat on the sand and I sat next to him.  We talked for an hour or two. The sun started setting and i looked at it amazed by it's beauty. "It's so beautiful." I said and Taeyong hummed a yes.

After a few moments the sun set and the little lamps suddenly started working. I wowed and Taeyong smiled. Then he got a message. "OoP, wait here,  I'll be back in a minute." He said and run into the forest.

I stood there patiently and looked at the night sky full of stars. "What a beautiful place." I mumbled to myself. After a few moments I felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around.

There stood Taeyong with the plushie I saw at the mall. "This is for you." He said with a smile, handing me the plushie. "OMG THANK YOU!!" I screeched and took it. It was a Ryan plushie somewhere around my size. I hugged Taeyong and he hugged me back.

"I love you so much!!" I said and Taeyong's eyes widened. "Uh, is it too early to say this yet?" I said kinda embarrased but Taeyong said nothing. He just moved closer and looked at me. I looked back at him and then he closed the gap between us.

I stood shocked for a moment but I kissed him back. He moved away. "I love you too." He said and hugged me.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭.

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