The Sirens Pull

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 We quietly exited the library and back into the menagerie of hallways that this building seemed to hold.

We walked in a pleasant silence beside each other, although apart of me wished she would strike up some form of conversation because I could already feel my nerves beginning to spark. Lightening igniting beneath my skin as a wave of unease and nervousness prickled over my flesh in a wave of goosebumps. What would I say? What would I do, when I see Aramis? Am I prepared to see him in any form of desperation? Would it shatter these feelings I have for him, do I even want them anymore or would it be better to go our separate ways? We're clearly nothing but trouble for each other... I certainly haven't had such an eventful existence until meeting him.

No. I swam through an abyss for him. These intrusive thoughts are just that. Remnants of that abyss clinging to clothes I didn't know I wore. I must see him.

We approached a smooth wooden door, much in the same fashion as the majority of the doors we had passed, it was a dark cedar brown, with a black-iron handle that curled to the right in the mimicry of fauna. A curious expression crept upon my features as through the wood of the door, I could quite clearly hear the clacking sound of keys? Controllers? Followed by a few loud bangs, and booms, soon continued with a cursing sound.

Elizabeth opened the door and stepped through. It was dark as she did so, and as I followed her steps I saw that the darkness didn't last long as we were awash with the hazy grey-blues of an entire wall of monitors and screens. The stark harshness of the bright screens ached my eyes somewhat, but they soon adjusted enough.

Sitting in front of these monitors, in a large, comfy, leather chair, was a man. A screen all to his own as some first-person shooter was in motion that I couldn't help but watch over his shoulder. Elizabeth had yet to move much, rather beckoned me to encircle the man on either side, and seemingly wait for the right time to interrupt, which gave me enough time to take in the features of this light drowned boy.

He seemed to be around my age. Young and strong, as muscular arms and shoulders sprouted from a bright red, tank top, and wound themselves around a controller. His left arm was completely decorated in blackened tattoos of symmetrical patterns. He had a yellow blonde to his short hair that poked upwards into a mess of soft spikes, which engulfed the headset he was wearing. He had gentle features, that was scrunched a little in concentration. His tongue poked out of a pair of full lips, a little to the side, as focused, baby-blue eyes glistened beneath a furrowed brow. He had a button nose that reddened around the tip.

He wore a pair of well worn, comfortable, shorts that didn't seem to leave much room to the imagination at all.

To put it bluntly. He was hot.

I flinched when he threw his arms upwards cursing loudly with his face turned to the ceiling. Elizabeth chuckled in her sweet manner as is her way, while I pulled my arms to my chest in a defensive reaction. His eyes creaked open slowly, looking to me from the side before he lowered and turned his whole head in my direction with a questioning look sprawled upon his face.

"Uh... Can I help you?" He asked, his voice was kind despite its sternness. I opened my mouth to give an answer that should've been so simple, but was caught in my throat. Thankfully, Elizabeth interjected.

"Simon, this is Avery. Avery, this is Simon" She introduced. To which I could only respond with a sheepish, awkward, grin and wiggling my fingers in a coy attempt at a greeting. I found myself going red with embarrassment at my awkwardness and wished for nothing more than the ground to swallow me up. Or at least give me back the backbone I had earlier.

His own expression turned from a confused one to one of a vibrant joy and happiness. I almost feared for my health as I expected him to bounce up like some rampant puppy, as he kicked the wheels of his chair backwards, leaning to Elizabeth.

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