chapter 1

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" That movie honestly disappointed me. I mean honestly, you can not just leave the movie on a major cliffhanger. Like what even? " The boy with the bluish purple hair had said. I just laughed and went along with their conversation as normal. " John, be quiet. I for one loved it. " mercedes said to him. of course he had come up with a smart remark, causeing he to stomp away and sway her tiny hips. John leaned into his lovely boyfriend, Evan, and looked up at me. hes such a shorty. " Dru, why don't you ever get into the movie debate we have?" I giggled a bit and rolled my eyes. " I find them entertaining, but I don't join due to the fact people put hard work and money into those things. I don't truly enjoy judgeing them. But, aye, that's just me. " Evan nodded in agreement, his long brown hair falling into his eyes.

We finally caught up to mercedes in the parking lot. I unlocked our car doors and all five of us fit in my company van. I work for a company called Novan. It is a beautiful little company that sells high fashion and hes advertise models to get their carrier. I am the owner of this company. it takes a shit ton of hard work, but its the one thing I enjoy in this small town of Faylett. I started the car and headed off to drop everyone off after an amazing day of friendship. " hey, hey , hey ,hey. Dru. heeey. " john kept saying. I rolled my eyes at him for what seemed like the 100th time today. " yees, jonny boy?" he glared at me for calling him his childhood name. " shut up, any who. we should go to the cliff Dru . We haven't been there in forever. " he pleaded in the back seat. I looked over to Mercedes with a questioning look. " should we? " she nodded her head and smiled at john. " please be quiet now? " he laughed. " you guys love me. " he leaned back in his seat placing his hand in evans. " sadly. " said Evan dramatic like, earning him a playful slap on the chest.

I continued driving and made a right into a dirt road. the road was bumpy and had been surrounded by trees. this cliff held so many memories. we had all met there. I giggled to myself at the cute memories in fourth grade.

it had been a hot summer day and the class had taken a field trip to a small park. none of us had known each other cause we all had come from different grades. me being the oldest.Evan and Mercedes had been in 3 grade and john in second along with our other good friend, Catherine. I had been in a little group with people I had know back then. but I was starting to get board of the little nature walk we had. so I started walking off in directions I didn't even know. finally I had come to a opening right at the edge of the forest. the opening had a cliff that right underneath it had a water rushing with jagged rocks. I also had seen 3 kids looking as if they made on small move they could fall off the edge.

" hey! get away from there! " haha john had looked back at me and smiled like he had just done something so evil. I rushed myself over to them only to see the little girl Mercedes looking up from the hanging on the cliff and crying. it seemed the only thing holding her up was her foot on a small piece of the cliff. I pushed the john and Catherine out of the way and helped this little girl up, careful not to throw myself off the cliff. she hugged me and I was getting ready to walk her back to the park gounds.

Then the little boy, Evan screamed and called the teacher over. we had all of our parents called and were all punished in our own parents ways.after all that me and Mercedes had clicked and became bestfriends. and after five years of hating john and Catherine we all became friends and Evan practically begged to join. but I was glad they all did become friends because now we all have a special meeting place.

I parked close to where the opening was and got out of the car along with everyone else. as I got to the gap in the forest where the cliff belonged, I saw a person sittin othe the edge. it seemed to be a woman, she had long black hair and a muscular body shape. the only othe r person who knew about this cliff was us and a certin person who didn't belong anywhere close to us

" raven? " I called out. she turned around jumping up to great me with a large smile plastered to her face. before she had a chance to even try and hug me Mercedes stood in her way practically growling at her. " calm it blondy, I just wanted to say hello to the beautiful one in the group. " its hard to believe that way back when when we dated I loved her complements, but now all they do is give me chills. I glared at her and walked past, my friends staying behind me.

" baby, where are you going? " she cooed. I came close to the edge of the cliff and ignored her. she raped her arms around my waist and said quietly so only I could hear her. " this is the place you brought me to when you asked me to be your girlfriend you know, " she laughed. " that question led to many things that night. " I pushed her away from me. " get out of here, you selfish bitch. " I growled at her. she rolled her eyes and sashayed away.

I sat down on the edge of the cliff and sighed, my head in my hands. my friends came over and joined me. John sat behind me, Evan to my right and Mercedes on my left. I lied down on evans lap and stared up into the cloudy night sky. an awkward silence fell and no one said anything for what seemed like for ever. " you know... I could just get rid of her if you know what I'm saying. " Mercedes said. I laughed slightly when Evan piped up also. " but its been three years now, I just don't understand why she hasn't moved on. I mean after all she was the one that caused you to break up with her. n" I stared and one star that peaked out from behind the clouds. I had known when I broke up with raven it wouldn't be easy, but this is horrible. " I cant just have a decent night with my friends anymore without her intruding. " I said. at that moment I felt a buzz in my back pocket that held my phone. I took it out and answered the call

" heelllloo? " I answered.

" hey get over here, like now." Catherine's firmiliar voice called out.

" why?"

" theres someone in your apartment."

I sat up and answered her seriously. " ill be right over darlin. "

we both hung up and I stretched my legs out. " alright kids its time to get back in the car. " they got up and we drove off and returned to the high way.I dropped john off first and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. " Eh, I love that boy but sometimes his talking is to much to handle. " we all laughed at evans remark. after I dropped them off I went straight to my place to check on what was going on. i took the elevator up to the 7th floor and knocked on Catherine's door. " yo, cat? you in there? " after a bit of waiting sh opened the door handing me a broom. I raised my eyebrow. " what the hell am I using this for? " I held it up looking at the pink broom. " its to hit who ever decided they could break into your apartment. " I laughed and walked a little ways down the hall to my room and opened the already unlocked/ broken door.

" hello?" I entered my firmilar beige apartment. the place looked fine, but my bedroom door was open. I walked in with the broom to protect me. I saw a person in my red dress laying on my bed. " Jesus raven, put some damned close on. " she laughed and lied down on the bed in what I took to be a sexy pose. :" you use to say completely the opposite to me baby. " I rolled my eyes and took the broom and shoved her off the bed. she squeaked and I ushered her out the door she of course stopped in the middle of the living room and door. " but baby this is OUR apartment. " I laughed wickedly. " was our apartment. WAS. now leave. shew shew. " I motioned with my hands. she ran into the kitchen, of course being difficult. so I once again used the broom and poked her. " what the hell, Dru ?! " I ignored her comments and kept pushing her with the broom and shut the door once she was out of the apartment.

well damn, that's the third lock this month that she broke. I walked back to my room and undressed. I got into a tank-top and some shorts and slipped into bed and fell asleep

* okay you guys. i rewrote this whole story and this is chapter one. i will publish them every week or so. you guys may pick the actors who play each character and yea, thanks for spending time in this book

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