hIChaper 2

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I woke up exhausted, remembering that raven decided it would be nice to pay a visit to me in the middle of the night. I got dressed and ready for work. I pulled on a small tight skirt with a V neck tank-top and pulled on my small cover up. I headed out in my black pumps and drove off into traffic. luckly I got there on time. but who would care? I am the ' Boss ' after all. I don't think anyone would mind if I was late. either way, I arrive there on time and entered the large Novan building. all the people there met me with their fake smiles and waves. I returned the favor of course, but internally I felt bored. seeing as the same thing almost everyday can get a bit... tiring.

I walked to where my office is. the door had my name on it and had some type of flower design around it. I opened the door and saw the firmilar pictures on the wall and everything in its place. well everything was normal except for one thing. I noticed someone in my chair by my desk. " um, excuse me? who are you?' I asked coming closer to him. he turned around in the chair to face me. he stood and offered his hand to me, which I slowly took. he offered the my seat back with a warm smile and sat in front of my desk. " I am Elijah Mosk. " he answered in a deep voice. I sat in my chair and took a couple moments to look at his appearance. the man had long black hair covering one of his what seemed ocean blue eyes. he didn't have any ear piercngs but he did have a lip ring which would need to be taken out assuming he got the job. he wore a black suit with a cute baby blue tie and his sleeves were rolled up just enough that I could see and tattoo on his wrists

" well, Mr.Mosk, what brings you to my office today? " I ask him while organizing papers on my desk, trying to look a little more professional. " I am here to ask for a job of course. " he answers brightly, flashing a smile that makes my heart jump oddly. I regain myself and smile back, this time genuinely, as he continues " you know, as your head speaker for the company " I nod my head knowingly. " okay, how did you hear about our company?" he looked at me astounded. " oh my! you are everywhere! like anyone who is anyone wears your clothing. " I smiled brightly, hearing him rant on about how my business is doing pretty well in this economy.

after a bit more of talking and some introduction to what his job would be like I had still yet to know if he was gonna work for me or not. " Well mr. mosk, I say that I will think about the job. " I said this standing up and I was going to show him out and get myself a coffee, but before I could even touch the knob to my door a large pair of arms raped around me. " thank you thank you thankyou. " he whisper screamed. I laughed and he let go of me running down the hallway to get to the elevator, earning his some odd looks. I walked into the cafe part of the building and grabbed myself a small coffee and thought to myself, dayum what a nice looking man. I shook my head, ignoring the fact I just called a man " good looking"

after finishing the day of work, I got home and immediately fell into bed. my clothes were still on and the skirt wasn't very comfortable to sleep in but I didn't care. I just wanted to rest. of course that couldn't happen. as soon as I felt the pleasure of sleep creep in a knock at the door woke back up. " damn it " I grunted to my self. whoever the person was they would not stop knocking. so i rolled out of bed and onto the floor I crawled to the door and stood to open it. " yes?" I said with so much sass it wasn't even funny.

" oh, my lord. hi do you know where apartment, um. 25 on the 7th floor is. I mean today I just moved in and I just can not believe that I'm lost in this tiny apartment building. yet I'm pretty sure the only reason I cant find this damed place is cause the person who gave me the thing that says I live here had horrid handwriting and its so hard to read like can you tell if that's a 4 or a 7? how in gods name do you make a 4 look like a 7?!" he finally stopped to take a breath and looked up at me. I returned the look and smiled tiredly at the firmilar ocean blue eyes. " oh my, mrs. jay? I didn't know you lived here too. you don't happen to know where I live do you? " he said in the same none worried voice as he had before. he handed me that not the lady at the desk had given him and studied it for a bit. " its a four my dear." I said rubbing my eyes. he sighed loudly. " damn it now I gotta carry all this stuff back into the damed- oh I'm so sorry about my language Mrs.jay! " I laughed quietly and smiled at the nice looking man. " its fine. I do it a lot to. and here, " I say grabbing two of his bags. " ill help you. " I led the way to the elevator and we got in.

wee stood there in such silence I honestly would have fallen asleep over again. " so.. um.. I cant help but notice you are still in the same clothes as I saw you in at work.. and..." I looked at him and sighed. " when you get up early and go to work only to find out you had a bunch of paper work due the next day and had to rush it all. things can get stressing and all you wanna do is sleep. not matter what your wearing. " he laughed at my comment and my heart seemed to drop. his laugh was just so clear and his voice was deep. I inwardly slapped myself, thinking ' Dru there is no way in hell are you really thinking those types of things about a man!! you would be considered a freak!'

the elevator doors opened and we walked a short ways down the hallway to get to his apartment room. he opened the door and welcomed me in. the apartment was very similar to mine, with the dining room/kitchen to the left of the door way and the living room to the right. the only thing I noticed was the color but I wasn't even gonna dare telling his I thought it was amusing. I set down his bags and smiled at him. " alright Elijah, I'm going back to my place. I want to rest. " I told him this looking to the ground. feeling his stare at me. all of a sudden her rushes over to me and hugs me for the second time today. this time I got the chance to rap mt smaller arms around his torso. I seemed so much shorter then him.

" thanks again Mrs. jay. " I laughed at his formality. " aye, just call me Dru. no need to be formal. " his chest shuddered as he laughed, causeing shivers to go down my back. he finally lets go of me and I wave to him while leaving the room. only then did I realize I was barefoot. I laughed quietly to myself and jogged my self to the elevator. and back to my own room. after I got back to my room I seemed to not be as tired, seeing as for an odd reason Elijah gave me a jittery feeling. I ended up phoning Evan and calling him over for the night to watch movies. he came over of course, but he failed to inform me that john was also comeing. we had a damned good-night and all feel asleep on my floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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