Chapter 1: Worse than the Devil

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One boy sits in a classroom full of girls. You might think he's a lucky bastard. Well, he wants murder everyone here, except for a few. Like the nice green haired teacher who just walked in, Maya Yamada.

"Hello class! Today we have a new student I introduce, but I think all know who it is. Garou Buriou, introduce your self."

"As you all now, my name is Garou Buriou. I'm form the U.S. Piss me off, I'll literally kill you."

"Humph! You can try!"

"Your Cecilia Alcott, aren't you? Representing Britain. Well Cecilia."

A dark expression form on Garou's face. He grins psychotically.

 He grins psychotically

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"Let's just the last person to do so... lost her arm and her IS was pretty much reduced to scrap metal. And I didn't touch the core, I gave it back, but try picking a fight with someone you can deal with, cause that pilot was a professional who had been piloting an IS pilot for a long ass time. The only reason I won is because of my IS's special ability, which I'll keep secret for now."

"If you're so confident, then let's have duel! At 9:00 A.M. Be there!"

Garou smiles, cracking his knuckles as a dark aura surrounds him.

Garou smiles, cracking his knuckles as a dark aura surrounds him

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"I will."

The next day

Garou stands in the middle of the arena. Calmly looking over Cecilia's IS, Blue Tears.

 Calmly looking over Cecilia's IS, Blue Tears

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"Where's Your IS?"

"Right here."

A bright light surrounds him, and an explosion seems to go off.

And they all stare at the demonic IS.

     Before anyone can blink, he takes off, screaming towards Cecilia like a demonic fighter jet

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Before anyone can blink, he takes off, screaming towards Cecilia like a demonic fighter jet. The horn on his helmet begins to glow, and as he nears Cecilia, he brings his head down, slashing the orange energy sword horn. It cause a miniature explosion, causing Cecilia to fly back. She stabilizes, before she smiles.

"You know, I asked some of my family contacts to do some digging. And they discovered some very interesting things. You're the bastard son of Meria Buriou!"

Garou just stands there. He then raises his fist, and a flash of purplish pink light, and terrifying, demonic looking sword appears in Garou's left hand.

 He then raises his fist, and a flash of purplish pink light, and terrifying, demonic looking sword appears in Garou's left hand

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"I was just gonna beat you fair and square."

He then charges towards her.

"But now I think I'll just kill you!"

He slashes at her, destroying her shields. A tail like appendage appear between his shoulder blades, with a three fingered "hand" at the end. It grabs Blue Tears's foot, before they shoot towards the barrier. Garou suddenly swerves, slamming Cecilia against the barrier. She cries out in pain, before being dragged against it, shredding large amount of Blue Tears's armor. He then throws her to the ground. She crashes, and seems unable to move. Her flight capabilities were busted, and her arms were jammed thanks to scrap metal. She watches helplessly as Garou approaches with his sword resting on his shoulder.

"Say goodbye. And in your next life, keep your nose out of other people's business, especially if it might be personal."

     Garou raises the sword, only for it to be shot out of his hands. He glares up at the aggressor, seeing it was his home room teacher, Maya. He scowls.

"Mr.  Buriou, can you please refrain from killing your fellow peer?"

"Tch. Fine. Only because your one of the few people I trust and like in this God forsaken world."

He then flies off. When her arrives at the hanger, he deactivates his "IS", and watches as it's docked. He then walks to one of those elevator truck things. He steers it over to his "IS". He then makes it rise, before stopping at the robot's chest. He presses his hand against it, and opens up, revealing a deadly looking laser weapon, but then he flips something beside it, and it folds up and slides to left, revealing the "core" of the unit.

 He presses his hand against it, and opens up, revealing a deadly looking laser weapon, but then he flips something beside it, and it folds up and slides to left, revealing the "core" of the unit

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