Ch. 20

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Mmm whatcha saaaaayy,
Two updates in one daaaaaaay.

Sorry. That was horrible.

*backs away in shame.*


"May? It's Tony."

Please tell me you found him."

"I- found him. But-"

"Is he okay? You better tell me he's okay, Stark-"

"He's-" Spiderman, his mind supplied. "Okay, now. But he was-" he struggled to come up with a believable excuse. "Trying to stop a guy from mugging a teenage girl. Guy thought it'd be funny to pull a knife. He's in the medbay, with my finest doctors, and you absolutely do not need to leave work, okay? It wasn't bad, just a nick."

"That sounds like our Peter," she sighed. "Please make him stay in bed until I get there tonight."

"Don't worry. He isn't going anywhere."

Not with that much blood loss.

"Okay." May's voice was relieved. "Okay. Thank you, Tony. If you're sure he's okay, I'll stay here. I really can't lose this job, and I've missed enough as is, but I'll be there tomorrow, okay? I'll pick up his missing work from Ned."

"Okay. You should probably get some sleep. Me too."

"All right. Thank you once again. Good night."

"Night May."


"Tony. Wake up."

His eyes opened.

For a moment he didn't know where he was, then he saw Helen Cho standing beside him, hand on his arm, and everything rushed back.


"Peter!" He blurted. "Is he okay?"

He relaxed when she smiled softly. "Your son is all right. He is strong. It doesn't hurt that he heals faster than normal people."

The woman must have seen the shock on his face, and paused. "You do not know of his... enhancements?"

"No," shaking his head blindly, he rested it against the wall. "I didn't."

Her hand was light on his arm. "I think you should talk to him. He is awake, and is in distress."

"What have I done?"

Tony could hear his son frantically mumbling to himself even around the corner.

"He's gonna- he's going to hate me-"


The quiet question froze the teenager in stunned silence.

He was crying, or had been, and terror was evident in the way he shrank back when Tony moved forward.

"Why would I hate you, kiddo?" Tony sat on the edge of the bed, lightly resting his hand on the knee closest.

"Cause I'm a monster, Mr Stark-" he began, voice shaking enough to make it barely legible.

"Whoa, hey-" he squeezed his hand tighter on the leg. "I thought we were past the 'Mr Stark' stage." He lost all traces of humor. "You're not a monster, kiddie. And I certainly don't hate you."

"But-" he took a sobbing breath. "I lied to you- and I- I'm a mutant. An' I-"

Tony brought his hand up to cradle Peter's cheek, forcing the teen to meet his gaze. "You may be. I wouldn't care. You're my son."

An echo of his past self's words came back to him.

Cold. Calculating. Never told me he loved me, never even told me he liked me.

"I don't care what you are, or who you are. Okay? You're my son, and I love you."

Tears of relief welled up in his son's eyes, followed by a choked sob.

The father didn't hesitate to pull him into an embrace, arms tightening protectively.

"I'll always love you."

Two updates in ONE DAY????? Who even AM I?????

Hope you enjoyed.

I have to get up at 4 tomorrow, so night Peeps.

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