i. dreams unwind

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1st of September 1976

MADDY WAS ALREADY waiting on the train, fidgeting with her bracelet while observing the people walking through King's Cross station from the window. That day, platform 9 three quarters was obviously packed with students coming for their first day at Hogwarts. She liked to look at people, imagine their lives and see how they interacted with each other.

She had brought tons of books with her, but when packing with her mum she had put them all in her suitcase, which had been placed in another compartment. Not holding a book in her hands made her feel empty (what a Ravenclaw thing to say) and as Valérie hadn't yet arrived, she was alone with her thoughts.

Valérie on the other hand was always late. Her parents were still on holiday in Indonesia and that is why she was coming to the station with her older brother Edward. After having known her for five years, Maddy was sure that her friend would arrive just on time to leave.

Maddy's parents had left her early at the station and stayed at least 30 minutes to say goodbye and remind her to take care of herself, bring warm clothes for the winter, contact them if she needed help, send postcards to her little sister whenever she could etcetera etcetera...

Her thoughts were interrupted by the creaking noise of the wooden floor and the sound of a door sliding open. A blonde figure stormed into the compartment, dressed in a yellow Hufflepuff uniform and holding a pot containing a succulent.

"Merlin's beard, Maddy! You look stunning!" the individual had exclaimed and ran to hug the tiny brunette in the Ravenclaw uniform.

"Aww thanks Aloé. I see you've adopted a new baby." Maddy said, pointing at the plant.

"I know! It's a gift from my mother, she said I could add it to my collection at school." Aloé was incredibly shy, that is why, apart from a few friends, she prefered the company of plants. The blonde Hufflepuff kept them all in her room, but there were so many that during the summer she would give them to Professor Sprout to keep in Hogwarts' greenhouses. Normally, the Herbology professor would never have accepted, but she had made an exception given Aloé's outstanding grades and commitment in her subject. Aloé had even named all of her plants (and four of them after the Beatles, because she was a huge fan).

Madeleine and Aloé had met in Herbology class during their first year, when both of them were too shy to talk to anyone else and consequently ended up doing a project together. The Hufflepuff girl was a proper ray of sunshine, always nice and sweet to everyone, with a smile so cute that it was almost contagious. She would always appreciate the littlest things in life, such as flowers blossoming, finding croissants for breakfast at the canteen, finally being able to wear her warm green sweater when winter came and the sunshine after a storm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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