Chapter one

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It's a late Saturday night. 11 pm. Me and my dad are walking to the supermarket to get some late night snacks for mom and us. Walmart to be exact. Me and my dad are best friends. We're so close. I was laughing at a joke my dad just made. We walked inside over to the snacks.

"Mom told me she wanted just some peanuts"

"Yeah but I want Oreos"

I roll my eyes "of course you want Oreos" I laugh "with extra filling right?"

"Yes." He says smiling
"And grab some pop tarts please" he laughs

After we're done we walk over to pay everything. The whole time me and my dad are joking and being the two dorks we are.

We walk over to the cashier and we pay everything. I grab the food and shove it in a bag. My dad pays and we walk away from the cashier. When we walk over to the the doors I see a man with a black hoodie and black sweatpants. I walk over to my dad just because I feel uncomfortable. When I walk over to him I see the guy pull out his gun and pointing it at me. I'm shocked. I freeze. Everything goes so fast. I see my dad jump in front of me when the guy fires his gun.

Boom. I fall on the ground. My head feels lighter. I look to the right and see my dad laying next to me. His eyes are looking at mine, a small tear coming from his right eye.

"Dad..." I say with a weak voice.
"Dad..." I say again. I try to move myself. But my shoulder is hurting so bad. Tears run down my cheeks.
"Dad?" I ask again. My head gets lighter and lighter. And I faint. Black. Nothing is there. Nothingness


"She is awake"

I open my eyes and look next to me. I see someone standing there. My head is really light.

"Hello?" I say with a weak voice

"Get a doctor please." I hear my mom say

"Mom?" My eyes open a little wider and I can see her.
"Where's dad?" I immediately ask.

My mom looks down, quiet.

"Mom?! Where is he!" I sit up straight. Panicking, my heart starts to raise.

The doctors walk in and surround my bed.

"Y/n? My name is Harrison but you may call me Haz" One doctor said

"Can you please lay down again?" He said

I laid back down but my heart was still beating really fast.

"My dad? Where is he?!" I almost scream

"Y/n I have to first ask you to calm down please." He said really patient.

He was so patient it was getting on my nerves.

"Just tell me where he is!" I scream.

"He is not with us anymore Y/n..." Harrison says

"He-" my breathing gets really heavy. My head is getting heavier. Everything is getting blurry.

The last thing I can hear was
"Y/n? Get the-"

I wake up. All sweaty, the light shines in my eyes and I look at the clock. 9 pm. My mom is sitting next to me, looking really concerned.



"I'm so sorry cuddles"
She walks over to me gives me a hug. I hear her sniffing and I feel so bad.

He is dead. Because of me. How could I be so dumb and let him jump in front of me?! He should've stayed where he was.

I'm feeling so guilty. I start to tear up. My nose starts to run. I feel a tear slowly coming out of my eye falling onto my cheek. I sniff and my mom looks up.

"I love you cuddles." My mom says

"I love you too mom. I'm so sorry for what I've done" I sob

"No- it's not your fault cuddles" she rubs her thumb on my cheek.

"Ma'am, visiting hours are over. You can come back tomorrow. Y/n has to get some rest"
My nurse says

"Yes. Yes I will go now, can I just have 5 more minutes?"
My mom asks

"Yes, of course"
She walks back out and closes the door

"I'm coming back tomorrow morning okay cuddles?" She smiles

"Yes okay... I love you mom"

"I love you too cuddles"
She kisses my forehead, grabs her bag and walks out.

"the person who did this is going to pay for it"
I say to myself

"Y/n? you have to sleep now"
The nurse says

"yes thank you"
I say

she switch of the lights and closes the door. I move my body a bit but my shoulder is still hurting badly. I grab my phone and see one message from mom. Guess i have no friends. I look up to the ceiling, staring until everything goes black.


I wake up in the middle of the night. I open my eyes carefully and see three persons standing in my doorway. I can only recognize one, Haz the doctor. I just don't understand why there here. I look on my clock. 3 am. Wait what? why are they here.

"what are you doing here?"
i say with a rough voice

"she is awake, do it now and fast"
I hear Haz say

I say loud

"shut up"
a guy says

I quickly shut up. I don't want any trouble, the guys grab my legs and arms and start to drag me out of my room. I try to do something but my body is just stuck. I can do nothing or say something. My shoulder is hurting very bad but the guys don't seem to care what i already expected. I feel myself dragged into a car still not able to do anything. Everything goes so fast, I have no clue where I'm going or who these guys are. I just want to say something but nothing comes out.

is all I can say

Someone immediately screams at me

"let me go!"
i finally get out

"pssh you're funny"
he laughs. 1 second after that his fist goes to my face and pushes me. I faint

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