Chapter four

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Tom's POV

When me and Y/n arrived at my house I grab her out of the car into my arms. Her legs are under my arm en her head in my other arm. Her beautiful face is resting on my arm and she is smiling. I walk into the bedroom and put her down. I walk over to the bathroom to get myself ready when she walks in.

"DiD yOu ThInK I FoRgOt?!"
She slurs

"No I just don't think this is a good idea
I walk up to her and place my hands on her waist admiring her

"Of CoUrSe ItS a GoOd IdeA"
She gets closer to me and looks me straight in the eyes. I can't resist she does something to me. She moves even closer and kisses me full with lust. I have to give in.

She breaks the kiss and moves over to the bed.

"Y/n this really ain't no good idea"
I sigh

"BuT I kNoW yOu LiKe iT dOn'T yoU?"
She crawls over to me

"I kNoW YoU CaN't ReSisT tHoMaS"
She grabs my hand and starts kissing it. She strongly grabs my waist and pulls me onto the bed. I'm giving in on this moment, I can't take it no more. I sit straight on the bed and pull her onto me, I kiss her passionately full with lust. She right on top of me kissing me, moving to my neck. Her hand slowly moves down to my length. I lay my head back and try to enjoy this moment. I feel her unzip my pants and I have to say, I don't want to make her stop. Her soft, gentle hands take of my underwear. She slowly moves down, starting to kiss around my belly down to my length slowly. And oh fuck, this is so good. She slowly puts my length in her mouth pumping up and down. Damnnnnnnn. She starts to speed up, I grab her hair to have more grip. Just when I'm about to reach my high a loud knock is on my door.

"Tom?! Can I come in?"
I hear Kyra say

"Yes wait a-a second"
I say with a shaky voice

Y/n fast runs into the bathroom not closing the door. Kyra walks in and I quickly pull the sheets over myself

"Why the fuck are you so sweaty? And naked?! Omg... were you just beating the shit out of your meat?!" She screams out of laughter

"Kyra get the fuck out!"
I scream

"I can finish it if you want"

"WeLl I wAs AbOuT tO Do ThAt ThOt"
Y/n says walking out of the bathroom

Kyra eyes widen.

"What the fuck where you two doing?!"
Kyra screams at me
"Y/n get the fuck out!"

"DoN't TeLl Me WhAt To dO!"
Y/n says walking over to Kyra. Kyra is clearly not having it. She steps over to
Y/n looks her up and down an punches her onto the ground.

"Your fucking worthless whore"
Kyra scream at her.

I grab my shorts, put them on and stand up running over to Kyra. I grab her arm strongly and push her out of the door.

"Don't ever do that again Kyra! Where gonna have a strong conversation about this tomorrow."
I push her once again and point her way to the end of the hallway. I run back to Y/n seeing her stay laying on the ground, hand on her head.

"Y/n? Y/n?!"
She unconscious. I look over to her shoulder and feel a wet spot. Fuck it's bleeding again

"Y/n wake up for god sake!"
She doesn't, thanks to Kyra. I take of her shirt and walk over to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit.

After I'm done I lay her onto my bed and tuck her in. I walk over to a other room and quickly fall asleep.


Y/n's POV

I wake up. Huge headache, fucking shit. I look on my phone and see it's 11 am. I push myself up and my shoulder is hurting like shit again. I don't even know what happened yesterday. I stand up carefully and walk over to the bathroom rubbing my eyes. I look at myself and put my hair in a messy bun. I grab some shorts and walk over into the hallway. I try to find my way in the house but it's huge. I enter room after room but still no kitchen. When I enter a room I come in a small hall. I hear Thomas and Kyra talking. He sounds pretty mad.

"Kyra one move against Y/n again and your never gonna get near me or the whole family again! Understood?!"

"Why are you so into this girl she's the devil, literally!"

He screams at her

"Yes Tom."
She says annoyed

I think the conversation is done so I walk out of the small hall and into the other hallway. I walk straight ahead and see the kitchen finally. I sit on a high chair and lay my head on my arms trying to rest from my headache. Not working. I hear loud footsteps, must be mad Thomas

"Y/n? Are you already out of bed?!"
He says shocked

"Yes, my head oh god. I can't remember a thing from yesterday"
I say lifting my head and looking up to him.

"Some toast, water and medicine will help"
He starts making my breakfast I'm still laying my head on my arms. After some minutes a plate is shoved in front of me. Thomas sits down next to me and we start eating our breakfast. Thomas is reading a news paper while doing that. Damn he looks hot af.

"Can I call my mom?"
I ask making him look up.

"Is there a reason?"
He says looking back at the paper.

"I want to tell her I'm okay, just for once Thomas please"
I beg him

"One minute you get, finish your meal, take a shower then you can call. Okay?"

I say energetic


After I'm done with eating I quickly take a shower and get dressed so I can call my mom ASAP.

"Thomas I'm ready!"
I scream

"Yes? I'm staying in the room by the way."
He hands me a phone and I dial her number. She immediately picks up.

She says. I immediately start to tear up

"Mom. It's me"
I say almost sobbing

"Y/n?! Cuddles! Where are you?"
She says concerned

"I'm somewhere safe"
I say biting my thumb nail looking at Thomas

"Y/n please come home I miss you, your the only one I have please"
I hear her cry

"Please mom don't cry"
I say crying myself

"I love you mom, I can't come home"
I burst out crying

"Y/n I need you to come home, I'm worried"
She cries

Tom is making signs that I have to hang up

"I have to go mom, I'm sorry I love you so much for ever"
I cry

"Don't hang up on me cuddles please"

"I'm sorry I love you"

"Cuddles no-"
I hang up.

I fall on the ground crying with the phone in my hands pressed onto my chest. I need my mom, she needs me. I'm making her suffer.

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