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I was being mind-controlled and now you're dying in my arms but you say it's not my fault.


John put down his brush, broken off pieces of curly brown hair stuck to the pegs. Another day serving the royal family. Trying to tie a ribbon in his hair, he couldn't help but wonder why he still worked for them. He had the money and he could set up a flower shop whenever he wants.

Then he remembered why, Alexander Hamilton. Alexander the next heir to the throne after Washington. On his first day of working in the place, alexander presented himself as a flirt. Anything and everything alive, Alex would flirt with it. John had fallen head over heels in love. Alexander had seemed to take a liken to John. After months of working for the palace, John had confessed to Alex about his feelings. That night, Alex said I love you back to john. Stealing kisses at nights, secret affectional moments. Alexander promise John that they could be together. He should have known that wouldn't last.

A couple of months later marriage between kingdoms was announced. To ensure protection, Eliza Schuyler, a princess from a neighboring kingdom would be married to Alexander. John could never have the prince to himself.

The walk to the palace was a long one. Sometimes to felt like it went on forever. At times john wondered why he didn't move into the kingdom with its protecting walls surrounding it. He had been in the village multiple times whether going to work or buying essentials for living. Going to the kingdom did have benefits.

John would get some human contact and stay sane from being lonely for so long. After multiple trips, John started to be remembered by some of the citizens. Lafayette, a french baker that had moved to the kingdom. John would visit his bakery very chances he had. He had formed to close bond with the french man. John would notice the tall, strong build man. Later on with his travels, the tall man went by the name Hercules. Hercules was a tailor's apprentice and worked at a tailor across the road. At the end of the day's works, the three of them would go out for a drink at the local tavern.

Walking out of the door and onto the dirt trail, john made his way to the place. Dirt that had been flattened with horse hoof marks and the wheels on carriages. Uneven bumps of stone and mud added somewhat of a personality to the track. Today, the path Gentle rushing water that would normally be heard from John's cottage was silent. Not even a bird dared to chirp. Rocks beneath John's feet felt sharper and stabbing harder.

From the silence, the sounds of snapping twigs came from the forest. Picking up his pace, John started to look around himself to make sure no one is there. No one lived around john for miles. The steps and twig snapping kept getting closer and closer to John.

Maybe it's just an aminal.

John would hear wolf howls but the howls would stay deep in the forest. These noises didn't belong to any type of animal. The noise coming from the woods came from a bigger animal and came closer and closer. Every time John would turn around nothing was there. Deciding it's just his imagination making up these noises, he kept walking. This time he could feel breathing against his neck. Keeping his calm he kept walking, the steps echoed. he stopped but the footsteps kept going. It wasn't an echo the John was hearing, someone else was making the footsteps. Turning around, john could just make out a silhouette. The last thing he remembered was his facing hitting against the stone road. The world went dark around him.

My head hurts so much. Why do I hear ringing in my ears?

Opening his eyes, John was greeted by darkness. He could feel the bag's material around his head. An almost burlap bag material rubbed against John's skin irritating. Going to remove the sack, the ropes against John's wrist rubbed hard, almost seeming to tighten more. Trying and trying, the ropes wouldn't come loose. The weird thing about the ropes is that it felt like there was no knot. The rope was always an even thickness.

Time went on, John wondered is this how he died, tried up to a chair with a sack over his head. Someone had to put him there, someone knows he's there. The ringing in his ears had calmed down but he could still hear it.

As he was giving up hope, lights blinded johns eyes. The hood on John's head was lifted. The outline of a familiar face stood in front of John. A face John had seen before at the tavern, Arron Burr. John had run into Burr many times in the tavern while having a drink with his friends. Arron was normally seen having a drink alone. The group of the three misfits would target Burr.

"Listen John, I don't want to make this harder than it already is." Arron had stepped closer to john crouching down to get to John's hight. A leather bag around Burr's arm worried john. He couldn't tell what was in it. "I know you work for the palace. You have the closes access to Hamilton so you're perfect for the job. I need you to shoot him."

"You're crazy. I'm not going to shoot our heir." There was venom in John's words. "I don't care what you want, I'm not shooting Alexander."

"What makes you think that? I see the way you look at Alexander. Once the marriage was announced, you stopped coming to the kingdom as often. "

"I would rather starve here than kill anyone."

"You're going to do this one way or another. I hope you still believe in witchcraft." Pulling out a bottle of glowing liquid and a gun. "We shouldn't have mocked me, John. This is payback." Throwing the liquid at John, the liquid had gotten into John's eyes and mouth. For the second time that day, John was knocked out.

John wasn't in control of what he could do. He knew where Alexander where he would be, he always started his day there. The royal library. The library was massive, Alexander would always start his day by reading a new book every day. Sometimes John wondered how Alex didn't run out of books. If it wasn't reading, he was writing, writing like as he was running out of time.

"John, you're here! I've tried to talk to Washington about this arranged marriage. There's nothing I can do about it, it's out of my hands." john had kept walking in a straight line until he stopped in front of Alexander. Cupping John's face, Alexander leaned in for a kiss. His lips touchings Johns. John's lips were cold and felt like they belonged to a dead man, Alexander's lips were warm and lively. "What's wrong love? Are you still upset?"

"Please run, I'm sorry." John was able to choke out of his mouth. Raising the gun and poking it into Alex's torse. A gunshot when out that the whole kingdom could hear. Guards came running into the library that the couple was. Hysterical cries came out of John was cradling Alexanders blood body. He couldn't stop himself, he wasn't in control. But did he want this, the fights between the lovers since the royal marriage was announced grew bigger and bigger. That was the real reason John didn't want to work for the royals anymore. "I'm sorry Lexi, Burr... he, he made me do this. He was controlling me, Don't leave me, I love you."

"Shhh, its ok peaches..." Alexanders voice was raspy, it wasn't as smooth as it normally it was. His skin was much paler than it normally was. Any colour on his skin was taken way when John shot the gun. "Burr was planning the rebellion, it's not your fault."

"But it is, I killed you. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." By the time the guard had made it to the Library, life had left alexanders body. All they saw was John cradling Alexander's body was a gun lying beside his and covered in the prince's blood. The traitor to the crown when to the wrong person, John was charged with treason, he would see Alexander again so soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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