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Cara is just your average teenage girl,with long dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She is hopelessly in love with her best friend,Niall Horan.

Niall is just your average teenage boy with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He is hopelessly in love with his best friend,Cara Boulevard.

When Cara has to move away, Niall is devastated but they promise to keep in touch. But after a year,they stopped talking and drifted apart. Cara went with the wrong crowd, same with Niall. Her name is no longer Cara, now she is known as Sasha-Rose,with long blue hair and lots of piercings and tattoos.
His name is no longer Niall, now he is known as James, with short brown hair and lots of piercings and tattoos.

When Sasha-Rose decides to go back to London to live on her own and back to her old school to find her best friend and tell him her feelings, will she recognise him?

When James wishes that his best friend would come back and his wish actually comes true,will he recognise her?

Or will they realise after a slightly drunken kiss and an old photo,that they were close all along?

I apologise for how long this introduction is, but I needed to make sure I got everything in there!  For some context, when 'Cara' moves away, they are both 12.  And when she comes back, they are both 17.  Confusing,I know,but just hang in there for me guys. I wrote this A VERY LONG TIME AGO.

So yeah,this is the introduction and I will post the first chapter after I've done this.

Thanks...Lulu x

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