Chapter I

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My name is Frank, and i guess you all want to know my story, well first things first, I'm a convict, been here for a while now and you know what? I kinda like it here, why do I like it here?, well for starters the meal here is free, sure it ain't 5 star quality but it's good enough to eat, a roof over my head, daily exercises like your life depended on it, and believe does, the neighbors are never boring, really good company...if you're on their good side that is, everybody knows everybody so no strangers here unless you're a new guy, and that's the down side of being here, no gals just guys, another thing is that we are NEVER allowed to leave home without any supervisors, that's the ups and downs of livin in prison. It's better being here than outside ya know ? I mean with all the laws, expenses, unnecessary responsibilities, idiotic politics, I mean who needs all that trouble when you can all be lazy here and they feed ya for it, sure there's laundry day, mining, community service, but hey, it sure beats a stressful working environment where they don't appreciate your efforts and fires your ass just to make cut-backs and endin up on the other side of the rope or on the wrong side of the road, but hey, don't get me wrong, I wasn't a convict by choice, i was a good kid back in the days and behaved like i should, but when push comes to shove, I did what I did for the sake of those I care about more than my own shitty life.

The reason i ended-up in this joint cuz I killed someone, and that someone made a lot of money for me cuz of that person's death, that's always the case isn't it ? a convict killin for money, now don't get me wrong, I hated money, cuz of its existence, if no money no honey, that's how life goes for some time, I wonder who invented that stupid item as a medium of exchange for goods, isn't a day's labor enough to get what a guy needs ? if I get the chance, he/she would be the one that I iced instead of the person I killed, and maybe just maybe I ended up becoming a hero, what do you think ? hahaha. Now the reason I killed this person is because of anger, anger triggered by such disrespect and such stupidity, not towards me, but towards the people I care about. Now this anger I felt isn't your typical case of losing my temper, oh's much much worse than that, there are two types of angry people, one that loses it easily and goes nuts, the other is saving each and every single angry moment in a jar then one day when the jar breaks...all hell goes loose, and that's who I am, an anger saver for a rainy day.

Any who, another day is about to start and every morning the cells open up and we step-out of the bars and make roll-call, ever been to school ? sure you have otherwise you wouldn't be readin my story, it's like your everyday attendance where a supervisor checks each and everybody's names to see if they're there. Once that's done we go out to our garden called "the Yard" where we get our few minutes of sunshine and fresh air, and let me tell you something, there's no such thing as fresh air when you're surrounded by goons that smells like a month's worth of garbage, after that we go to our jobs, like I said before, you have certain roles here in prison, I most of the time doin laundry, the other guys are janitors, cooks, and miners. Now if you'll excuse me, I got some dirty laundry to do.

"Yoh frank, heard you have a Big Day comin up in a month or so, is that true ?", said the fellow laundry convict, "ey yeah, who you heard that from mikey ?", replied by frank, "Everybody in the joint knows ya wise guy, you must be nervous though right ?" said mikey, "Why the fuck should I be nervous ?, I'm finally gonna get out of this joint, if I should be feeling anything right now, that should be happy, mother...fuckin...happy" replied by frank. The conversation goes on and on for a while about my Big Day , the other fellas sure couldn't keep their mouths shut about a guy's big day, what is this big day you ask ? well let me put it this way, this is a time where some of us finally makes it out of this joint and be free again, some are excited and some are sad, a big mix of emotions and sensations stir whenever one gets the big day here, it's a talk of the town or in my case, talk of the joint, so there we were wastin the day away doin laundry, havin lunch, cleanin up, workin at the gym, doing it all while talkin about the Big Day.

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