62 7 2

November/23 / 2020
2:59 pm

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It was a couple days before thanksgiving , where everyone will gather at Jin's place to eat , it was YoonSeok's job to bring the bread and Bindae-tteok , which both of them didn't know how to cook that.

Since a lot of people are coming , auntie Hasley is bring some America food for them to try and some other relatives Jungkook and Yoongi's brothers are coming Mejiwoo is coming, and parents of the members , they don't have to make a lot.

Yoonseok where in the car on the way to the store to gather ingredients for the the Bindae-tteok they were suppose to make.

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"Okay Hobi here's the list of things we need from that isle don't grab the wrong thing , remember we need 3-ply tissues not One! Okay"

Yoongi says handing Hoseok the list of things from the home Appliances isle where tissues and trash bags are.

"Okay Okay! I only made that mistake once"

Hoseok says as the pregnant male leaves the front door to the ingredient isle

"One too many!"

Yoongi says from turning around to Hoseok reading the list of things.

"Okay lets see , Nokdu ,.... Dried Nokdu"

Yoongi reads quietly to himself as he turns the the cart to where it is.

"Ah here it is"
"Okay what's next , rice? We have some of that but it's better to be safe then sorry"

Yoongi says going to that isle

"Boiled Gosari.."

Yoongi says as he looks up from his phone, cause he took a picture of it instead of bringing a paper because he often loses paper and Hoseok doesn't.

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with Hoseok

Hoseok goes around and search's for items quietly he reads the things in his head as he puts the appliances into the little basket.

After he's done he quickly checks their things out and goes to find Yoongi to help him out with anything after he puts the stuff in the trunk.


Hoseok says from across the isle starring Yoongi before he leave tot he looks up at Younger male who has a eager smile

"What are you doing over here?"

Yoongi says as he looks his Husband going in for a kiss like his missed him even tho they were apart for a couple minutes.

"I'm done with my share of Shopping , is their anything you need me too help you with?"

Hoseok smiles as Yoongi parts from his lips the kiss lasted shorter than Hoseok wished .

"Not really But can you give my back some support it hurts"

Yoongi says and he stands up slightly from leaning on the cart , Hoseok nods and wraps his arm around Yoongi's waste giving the expecting male a peck on the lips before they continued to buy groceries.

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