Easter Day

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This is very out of character, I am sure. I'm more if a male roleplayer, not a female. I play characters like Alastor and Angel, so I am shit at playing as Vaggie and Charlie, so my deepest apologies.

Charlie woke very early on the day of Easter. Too early for everyone's liking. She was everywhere, waking everybody up as she got set for one of her most looked forward to day. Vaggie, whom was dreading the day, had to help out. Not because she had to, but for Charlie. Charlie and her had been together for a long time, or that is what it had seemed. She watched as the Princess of Hell ran around, decorating the hotel with cut-outs of colorful eggs, and bunnies. She hid little chocolates all over the place for the others to find, as Vaggie was dying real eggs. Each egg was dyed two different colors on the ends. The tops were the warm colors, and the bottoms were cool colors. Yellow with blue, orange with green, and red with purple, so on and so forth. She wanted to make a theme.

Charlie, who had just finished all of the decorating, sat down at the dining room table, looking at her own work, before looking at what all Vaggie had gitten done. Three dozen eggs were dyed, and Vaggie was working on the fourth and final dozen. The blonde couldn't help but smile and giggle, as her girlfriend smelled like vinegar and egg dye, and most likely would for a day or two.

"Have you seen the outfit I want you to put on, later?" the princess asked the moth.

Vaggie's response was a small nod of the head, before opening her mouth to ask why. "Is there a reason why you want me in such bright colors? The hotel seems colorful enough," she gestured to the room.

Charlie shook her head, smiling. "Because we need to go all out! We need to get everyone in the mood for today."

Vaggie nodded again, this time in understanding. She continued dying the eggs, as Charlie left to get ready and dress up. Vaggie couldn't help but to daydream as she did her work, thinking more about how the day would turn out. So many things could go wrong. So many things could crush Charlie on this day. She just didn't know how to help the chances of the day.

Just as she was dying the last egg, Charlie came down in a pink and black bunny outfit, messing with her black bowtie as she walked over. She finished fixing the tie, before grabbing the egg from Vaggie which was half dyed. Vaggie watched Charlie inspect it, before Charlie dipped the other half into the purple dye.

"Can you please go get dressed? I don't want anyone coming down without us being ready."

Vaggie looked at Charlie for a second longer, before getting up and walking to the stairs. She glanced back, seeing Charlie stare at the dye, as she dyed the half if the egg that was white. Vaggie gave a soft smile, before walking up the stairs, hand running along the rail as she walked up. She went to the first door on the left, taking her key out and unlocking it to get in. She shut the door behind her, before walking over to the chair beside her bedside table. Inbthe chair was the outfit Charlie left for her.

She picked the outfit up, and looked at it, grimacing. She did not like it one bit. She glanced to her bedside table, seeing a picture of her and Charlie back when they were first becoming friends. Charlie was smiling and holding up the piece sign as she held the camera at an angle with herself and Vaggie in it, whom was frowning with her arms crossed over her chest and looking away. Vaggie remembered the day vividly, and remembered how hard it had been for the two to come out to eachother. She looked back at the clothes, befire putting them on. She looked at herself in the mirror as she put on the pink bunny ears, before eyeing herself up and down. She looked ridiculous, and she knew it. She sighed, before walking to the door, and walking out to go to Charlie, where she saw some hotel members walking out of their rooms and making their way downstairs for breakfast. Vaggie walked along with them, ignoring the side glances and questioning looks.

As soon as she reached down the maroon steps, she looked around for Charlie, not seeing her anywhere in the kitchen. She followed the members of the hotel, trying to figure out if she could find Charlie with them, which she luckily did. She face palmed, seeing Charlie already going on about it being Easter and talking about the egg hunt they will be having aroubd noon, and about the hidden candies, which Angel already seemed to be eating one he had found on the table beside him.

Most of the demons frowned, and whispered to one another, making Charlie frown a bit, before spotting Vaggie. The blonde motioned for the moth to come over, whom obliged. Vaggie walked to the middle of the crowd, to where Charlie stood.

"Me and Vaggie will be looking for members who follow along with the spirit if Easter, and give them a little bit of a break from the strictness of the hotel. The more you get in the spirit of today, the less strictness we will have on you for all of next week!"

That brought attention quickly, as a few demons perked up at the idea. Angel was already walking away, searching for candies and acting like he was reading the bible verses that were taped onto the walls in small locations, trying to earn some time for himself for the upcoming week. Vaggie looked at Charlie though, as if she was nuts.

"Are you sure you want to give them some freedom like that? It could ruin the work we had them go through already," she tried reasoning with Charlie, hoping she would reconsider.

Charlie let out a small giggle, before kissing Vaggie on the cheek.

"Vaggie, it was the freedom I gave you that brought you closer to me. You could have become a maid for my dad, but I had a feeling about you. I have a feeling about them. Let's give them a chance... "

Vaggie thought about it for a bit, not knowing if she should listen or not. She sighed, before pecking Charlie on the lips. "Fine, but if things go south, I blame you."

"That's what you said when we first got together. Do you really doubt me so much?" Charlie nuzzled Vaggie, who nuzzled back, only to hear Nifty giggling, and staring at them, who ended up staring back at her, blushing. Nifty walked away after a bit, noticing she made it awkward, so the two ended up hugging, hoping to bring back the moment.

"I love you."

"Love you too, Vaggie."

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