Chapter 1: Hello Again

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She was with child, how ironic could fate be.

Venese was pregnant, carrying a child for a male who couldn't even remember her. She touched her stomach; she was two or so months in. She stayed in Rome, always coming back to the restaurant Bellagio.

Hoping to see him, hoping to turn back time.

Her curse had forbidden her to seek him out; pain would cripple her if she even thought to go near him. However, like every curse it had a loophole. He could look for her, but how would he look or even recognize someone he has never met.

They had erased her completely from his memories.

But here she was in the cold winter air, using her hands to warm her cheeks just to catch a glimpse of her husband who she didn't even know was in Rome. Her curse had been short, simple and completely tailored for her.

It took the one person I loved and made sure he could never return her love. To cause her pain.

She was thankful though, that he didn't perish with her, that he felt no pain, that he felt nothing, oblivious to her existence. She called the waiter to settle her bill, another fruitless night. She patted her stomach before rising.

"Guess no spying on daddy tonight pup."

She was also thankful to her pup; he/she had kept her sane or preserved any sanity she had left. The first months from him were the hardest for her, it was like suffering from withdrawal syndromes but worse. It felt like half her soul was ripped from her, an emptiness which only could be filled by him. She had contemplated taking her life on numerous occasions; her sisters had her watch duty. It changed the moment she saw the stick with the two pink lines.

It was like fate gave her reason to live, to love again.

She was tired and the cold biting at her skin didn't make it any better. She was at the entrance of the restaurant when she heard a familiar laugh, a familiar scent came to her nose, her body warming instantly. She followed the sound of his laugh, helpless to the pull.

There he stood. In a garden, the black curls of his hair seemed to shine under the dimmed lights, his everest eyes filled glee. He was among others of his kind.

He was laughing. Without her. Smiling. Without her. His towering frame was the tallest in the group and although he was one of many, she only saw him. It wasn't until her vision blurred that she noticed she had been crying. For him. Glad that he was happy. Without her. That he was healthy, that he was still the most gorgeous man she ever laid eyes upon. She walked to him as far as her sneaker clad feet could take her before the curse set in. she was rendered immobile, her will to fight the curse was dwindling; she was so tired.

She wanted to run to him. Wanted to tell him her sorrows, tell him that she loved him. Tell him that she carried their child. Her eyes flooded again, she had just realized that a new curse was bestowed upon her; the mother of a fatherless child. She wanted to scream but the curse would mute her voice, preventing him from ever hearing her. She ceased the struggle, it was no use. This was adding more torture on her plate.

Venese swallowed hard and tried to collect the broken pieces of her mind. Seeing him only made the pain that much worse; it made the pain real. She let out a sigh, tearing her eyes from him and turned from the garden. The first months of pregnancy was stress enough on her body, she hadn't needed to add more to it. She was already on the edge of sanity and she didn't want to endanger her last ray of hope.

As she walked the reason for this night kept playing in her head. She knew the significance of this night.

The last time I see him.

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