Part V

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Edited the previous part. I will be continuing to edit the earlier chapters and add a preface soon.

Edited Romero's rank to a more sensible seniority. Clarified that Corley is a 2nd lieutenant.

Edited dialogue between Chappy and Fly to make both sound less like white-knights.

Edited PTSD wake up scene.

Added timestamps.

Clarified Anderson's rank as 1st lieutenant and CO of 2nd platoon, Delta company.

SB and Reddit IWII Pt.IV edits will be uploaded late (They're updated now).


[Area Zero, 0725 Hours]

"You'll join us later?" Jackie asks as we reach a junction that leads to our separate destinations.

"If I have time, yeah." I reply.

Jackie and Romero give me a nod which I return before they turn to walk towards the path leading to the gym. I turn as well, but at the opposite direction towards the command center.

We left Chappy and Hobo to the doctor when she requested for help in talking to Eletha, the native 'elf' girl. Chappy stayed behind since he's the only one able to invoke effective communication with the native, while Hobo wanted to learn what he can. I would've rather us all stay, but the doctor warned that our presence might intimidate the native from opening up.

Also, the Major wanted to see me.

I pass by some soldiers and return the greetings and salutes they give me as I walk past. Reaching my destination, I took note of the newly installed ID scanner on the door and push mine against it. The scanner beeped and clicked, signalling that it has been unlocked. I push the door open and step inside.

The command center's usual atmosphere of moderate urgency greets me as the door closes shut. I look around, spotting the Major with the Lieutenant-Colonel and a few others at the farthest end of the modular. I start to make my way there, some of the command center's staff greeted me as I do so. I return the salutations till I reach the table where the Major and the others- who turn out to be the Captains of all the other Delta companies- are seated around.

The Major notices me and nods. "Hoyer's here." He announces.

The Lieutenant-Colonel looks up to me and then gestures to an empty seat. They wait for me as I make my way towards the chair and sat down.

The Lieutenant-Colonel folds his arms together and speaks. "Everybody's here? Good. Let's get started." He then nods at an officer whom I don't recognize.

The officer has a small stack of papers to his side. At the Lieutenant-Colonel's signal, he picks up a piece of paper and looks it over before he starts. "During yesterday's incident at settlement one we experienced a disruption of our long-range communication devices. For the last few hours we've been trying to discern the cause of the problem and have finally come to a conclusion."

As the officer sets aside his current piece and lifts a bunch of clipped-together papers from the stack and starts to hand it to us, the Lieutenant-Colonel speaks in a low tone. "The information you're about to receive is classified for the time being. None of you will speak about this, the potential risks if this information is leaked may halt all our current progress. I'm sure you've all been resourceful and heard about atmospherics messing with our systems- that's the cover story."

My brows furrow together as I remember the pilot's remark about the problem. But my thoughts are moved somewhere else as the officer to my side hands me one of the clipped-together papers. I mutter a thanks upon receiving it and began studying its contents, it only took a moment to recognize what it is.

Into What Is Impossible (Hiatus, Re-write In-progress)Where stories live. Discover now