Chapter 1~I'm WHERE?

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Cold, wet, darkness.

Am I underwater?

A current sweeps you up towards the surface,  blinded by the burning salt water you hear muffled voices.

"Help!" You scream, flailing against the winding current. You feel someone grab your waist and yell, "Stop moving! I got ya."

They drag you to the shore and you collapse from exhaustion. 

As your burning eyes slowly gain sight again, you ask the towering figure standing above you, "Where the fuck am I?"

"You will NOT address the Commander with such insolence!" Stated a voice to your right.

"Who? What?" You asked confused as you stood up from your lying position.

The tall man in black (the silent one) stood still, examining you. Or at least you think, you couldn't tell by the mask he wore. 

Oh mah god, he's so fucking huge!

"The Commander." The guy on your right said condescendingly, he wasn't as freakishly tall, but still towered above you. His red hair was slicked to the side and he wore a very professional, maybe soldier-type suit.

"Um, sorry? Anyway... where in the world are we?!?" 

The Commander spoke up through his mask," You are on the planet Naboo of the Outer Rim Territories. How do you not know where you are?"

"Naboo," the word felt strange on my tongue, "I'm pretty sure you made that up."

The red head on my right interjected, "Are you calling the Commander a liar!"

"Nah, no. Chill, dude. I'm saying that I have never heard of Naboo and I think you guys are crazy." My face flies to the right and I cup my cheek, reddening from the slap.

The Commander puts his gloved hand down.

After a few minutes of pained silence the tall man said evenly, "You will come with us."

Without a chance to reject, you are handcuffed and lead away.

Naboo was very similar to Earth, but the wild side of it. Dense forests surrounded you, along with the array of strange animals.

Very not earth-like.

Walking out of the forest, you feel your feet shifting and sliding. Before you were mounds and mounds of sand, like the deserts of Egypt. An empty landscape with a structure in the distance. It shone like silver.

A plane?

The structure looked like it had a cockpit window at the front, and jets on the side.

As you trudged through the melting sands, you noticed a couple of figures and a meager hut.

On closer inspection you saw the figures had duck bills and snail eyes.

Your heart started to race and fear grew within the pit of your stomach.

Oh my god.

"They are Gungans. Native to the planet. They are peaceful." Said the Commander in front of you.

How did he...

You try to slow your beating heart, but you were still uneasy seeing the creatures.

You boarded the plane through a ramp and walked through some twisting hallways to the cockpit.

You sat on an uncomfortable chair, seated next to you was the red head. The Commander was talking with some other individuals at the control panel.

"Sir?" You say timidly.

"It's General Hux."

Hux... Hux... Why does that name sound so familiar?

"Um, where are we going?"

"We are returning to the Finalizer."

"What's that?" 

Hux sighed heavily, "It's our ship."


Then the plane began to move, soaring toward the sky.


Leaving the planet's atmosphere and entering a dotted black space, you finally connected the dots:

Spaceship. Hux. Commander?

The blood drains from your face as you realize that this is the fucking Stars Wars Universe.

Oh my god, I'm going to die.

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