𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚞𝚙

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"You were too  "controlling" to him"

You're sitting on the couch waiting for your boyfriend to get home. It wasn't really normal for him to stay out this late, you were a bit worried and tried calling him a few times but still he didn't answer. You worried about him a lot and tried not to hover but still you grabbed your keys and ran to your car driving around LA hoping to see him at Starbucks or somewhere with the boys. You care back home and walked in seeing Jonah on the phone and as he turned around he dropped it running over to you. "Are you okay!?" He said looking at you as you frowned "Am I Okay? Are you okay! I couldn't find you and you weren't answering your phone so-" you said as he shook his head and let you go. "Please don't start this conversation up again" He said as you slightly grabbed his hand "what do you mean?" You said as he sighed. "You're too controlling! Every time I'm not home by when you want me your freak out and it's annoying. You literally can't go a day without knowing where and I am and what I'm doing- I feel trapped like I'm held hostage. Like your my mom and I can't go anywhere without your permission. I'm honestly getting sick of it!" He said pulling his hand away and backing up away from you. "It's only because I care!" You said shouting as he looked into your eyes with no expression on his face and softly said in a serious tone "then don't."
"What does t-that mean?" You said as you started to shake in fear of his next words.

                            "We're done y/n....."


"You thought you weren't good enough"

You sat in Daniels bed looking at photos with him standing next to fans, some photos of him kissing their cheek and hugging them. You looked at the girls faces and then went to your camera in your phone and looked at yours touching each and every part of it with your hand softly one by one. You switched back to those photos and looked at them. 'They all look better than you y/n"   You thought to yourself. You examined their faces, looking at what in your eyes was perfection. You felt like Daniel was missing out on being with someone like them, someone who was perfect unlike yourself. You always felt like you've held Daniel back, you didn't like going to loud parties in LA and drinking every night. In fact, you were too afraid to even go out and eat at a fancy restaurant because of the way you looked in a dress. You always had it in your mind but it never really stood out until now. Daniel currently was out with the boys at the studio, they stayed at the studio pretty late and he probably wouldn't be back for another 30 minutes. You got up and looked at yourself in his body mirror. You saw the "terrible mess" that was reflecting back to you. You saw the messy bun, the gray sweatpants of his you were wearing with the black tank top. You stared at yourself with utter disgust, you didn't like who was staring back at you- you never did. You loved Daniel, you would do anything for him- even if that meant you had to suffer. You grabbed a pen and paper writing down everything softly placing it on his pillow as you gathered up your things. You bought a plane ticket knowing the first place he would stop after he read it was your house. Grabbing your car keys you left as rain started to slowly pour down the soft dark LA night sky.

*A bit Later That Night*

Daniel arrived home about 15 minutes after Y/N left. He smiled walking in the door taking off his jacket and hanging it up on the rack. He walked upstairs with his smile still plastered on his face excited to see his amazing girlfriend but he softly opened the door to see nothing but a letter on the bed. He frowned and walked over to the letter picking it up and reading it.

Dear Daniel,

Oh my, where should I even start? You're the love of my life. I would never do anything to hurt you. Before you read the rest and figure out what I've done just know, I'm doing it for you, it's all for you... I've seen all these other girls, they all have something in common. Perfection....something that I'm not....and you deserve only the best. Which is why I'm leaving, because I feel like I'm holding you back. We sometimes wonder why things feel off between us and I understand now that it's me, I'm the one who causes you pain. I'm the one who's not letting anyone move forward. All I ever do is mess things up, like this...our relationship. It's a funny thing I look back on, when you fell in love with me because I can't even love myself.  I want you to be able to have someone who can be spontaneous with you because I know you're a sucker for that kind of stuff. Someone who isn't afraid to do stupid stuff in Walmart because their not afraid of getting kicked out. Someone who doesn't cry, someone who loves themself, who is happy 24/7 and most importantly....someone who loves you as much as I do. Someone who can give you the one thing I can't and want you to have....perfection. I need you to not run after me, because I'm gone. I've decided to fly back home. Don't make this harder for us because trust me, it's hard. I know it's a lot to take in but please understand that you're all that I had, all that I've ever wanted. In this case, I need to think about what's best for you- not me. I love you forever and always Pooh bear...

Love,  Y/N

Little did you know that you were perfect to him. That, he needed you more than you needed him. You were what helped him up when he felt low and that he didn't want anyone but you.....but now it was gone and all that was heard throughout the house was sobs instead of the laughter you two shared. Everything was now gone, his world was crushed and so was his hope. But yet, he vowed  he would love you, which means he wouldn't give up on you. He started to cry and softly say

"she was my everything"


You don't breakup you guys are too in love for that drama 😂 if  you do breakup it's only like a week off from each other.


"He cheated"

Your boyfriend was at home for the day while you went to work. You planned a movie night with him and even though you told him you were gonna stay a few extra hours you went and grabbed Chick-Fil- a for the both of you and a bunch of snacks. You go to the store buying more blankets and pillows for you guys to cuddle with and race home excited to see the look on his face. You walk in the house setting the bags on the counter and hear a noise from upstairs.  You thought it was Zach so you smiled quietly walking up the stairs until you heard it more clearly- it was a girl moaning. You're heart stopped and you froze as your smile faded quicker than thano's snap. You knew confronting him would break your heart more but you forced yourself to go upstairs and confront them. You opened the door revealing a naked Zach standing over top of s naked girl you had never seen before. Zach looked at you as his eyes widened and you cried walking downstairs grabbing everything you bought including the food and walking out to your car. You put everything inside but Zach begged you to stay. "Please it wasn't what you think it was" He said as you got in your car still crying before driving off without saying a word to him.


"You Guys would never breakup, you guys don't even fight lmao"

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