part 1: "The School Blackout"

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"How did I end up in this situation"
I muttered to myself as I avoided doctor octavius' mechanical arms.

I jumed onto a wall and swung quickly underneath him to force his hands to get tangled up. I then web slang to the next wall.

"You fool! I got you now arachnid!" He screamed at me.

"Uh doc you're a man of science right? You should be smart enough to know that I tricked you", I quickly told him as he stumbled over himself.

I then chuckled tying him up with web as I took his power source away controlling the arms.

I thought to myself, "this super hero thing is cool and all but its getting easy. Super evil master mind rises up or escapes prison, They say they're gonna rule the world after they take me out and then I take them out. I just wish something changeling would happen again."

                    3 days later

"Hey Joesph hows the whole hero stuff going?" My friend Jorge asked me during class.

Ive known jorge since frehsmen year. Ive known our whole little group since frehsmen year actually. They knew me before I was spiderman or even had powers. They found out junior year when we were all at the movies together and I disappeared from them as soon as mysterio attacked around belmar. I tried to lure him out of the area but my luck sucks and he blasted me right in front of them with half my mask blasted off.

I replied quietly,
"its good bro just really boring at the moment its just the same thing over and over."

"Dont take it for granted dude. Denver hasn't been this safe in a while."

We changed the topic after that and i tried to understand where he was coming from like im a 17 year old with powers what kid wouldn't want that?

It was lunch and we were all hanging outside by the basketball courts. It was the usual thing. Us clowing on Armando for trying to hang out with the basketball team. Us roasting timmy for his stench and my favorite of all them roasing me for looking like stuart little. When the clouds got cloudy out of no where and I got struck with this beam of light. I immediately yelled at one of them throw me my backpack that was filled with my extra web fluid. The clouds vanished and everyone outside was all talking about it and yelling. But they weren't looking at me. Slowly disappearing.

I felt so weak, so drained, I felt myself blacking out. I dont remember what my friends reaction to them seeing me dissperaing  was but I then finally passed out...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2019 ⏰

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