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"Who did it Lisa?" Jungkook urged. He looked like he was about to lose his shit, anger was just fuming off of him.

"K-k-kai....." she gasps out. "T-t-took... ro-rosé..."

My eyes widened and multiple gasp escaped from out the room. How the hell did we not notice she was gone? None of this makes sense anymore! Who's kai!? Why did he take rosé why did he try and spike are drinks!? Why didn't I look after the girls like they were doing for me!?

"Shit, sht, shit!!" Jisoo exclaims. "How did we not see that!!" She booms, she was so frustrated that she punched a bathroom stall. I flinch slightly, the force of the punch bringing back unwanted memories.

"W-wait.. kai wouldn't..." Jennie trails off.
I looked up and over to Jennie who had a look of pure sadness and disappointment written across her face. I furrowed my brows confused.

"Jennie, you need to talk to him right now." Yoongi says calmly, "I know this news is shocking to you but it was bounced to happen eventually." He sighed loudly before gesturing to me and jisoo. "You two lets go, and help Lisa while your at it."

I nod and grab Lisa's arm, swinging it over my shoulder as Jisoo grabs the other. We haul her up and make are way out of the bathroom we're a line of very angry girls stood. "What about the others??" I ask. I send the girls an apologetic smile, if the others are staying back there gonna be waiting for a while, but jisoo's right, they can pop a squat.

"Don't worry about it," Yoongi says as he waves it off. We start making are way through the club in a fast pace, trying to avoid any sort of human contact (a/n: me all the time). When we get outside at the curb there is a limo waiting for us. Yoongi opens the door as jisoo and I put Lisa in before climing in ourselves. Yoongi gets in after us and tells the driver where to go before we take off.

I look down at my lap were my hands are rested, and fidget. I feel so bad. But why? None of it was my fault right?

I shake my head to rid of those thoughts, my mind starting to wander to the meeting I had with Namjoon.

(Flash back)

I walked into the cold room, bringing my hands up to my arms as I shivered. I looked around, it was completely dark at first, and then Namjoon flipped a switch.

I squinted my eyes and held up my hand to shield the light. The room was dirty and tired blood was scattered on the floor along with rusted chains and ropes. I blinked a few times. A torcher room. I looked up when my eyes locked on the person in the middle of the room, I let out a gasp.

In the middle of the room, tied to a chair with cutts and bruises was my father. My father!

My eyes widened, but never swelled with tears like most people's would if they saw there parent like this. A scowl made its way to my face. I held so much hate for this man it was surreal. What ever the boys did to him he deserved every single ounce of it.

A hand grazed my lower back making me flinch a little. I looked over my shoulder see Namjoon smiling kindly at me. "Go ahead.." he urges. I hesitated. Part of me wanted to, but the other part just wanted to stay near Namjoon and his warmth. He was so close his heat was radiating off him, along with the sweet smell of homemade soap. I loved it, I never wanted to leave it, but I had to, I needed to.

I nodded slowly like a lost puppy and started making my way over to my father. He looks up at me with leading eyes. He had a busted and swelled lip, multiple cuts and bruises (to many to count), his left eye was pitch black and swollen shut. He was covered in blood from head to toe. His heel was cut and he was missing two fingers from each hand causing me to gag quietly a little. If I didn't know any better I'd feel bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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