Chapter 2

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I wanted to have a fresh start to a new school year. So I asked my mom if I could start dressing more appropriate for my age. We got all new outfits and sneakers.I was wearing on my newest underwear and I just fall. It slips and even though I'm wearing shorts they are extremely short. My friend John was standing right behind me and laughing. I quickly got up and sat in the middle of the bus. John sat next to me still laughing. When I look behind me I realize that I recognize that girl. John finally notices I am staring at her.

"Why you keep staring at that girl for?"he asked.

"I can't put my finger on it, but I recognize her from somewhere," I said. I really do. I remember she goes to my old school ,but I don't know her name!!

When we are getting close to the school we stop at corner store where lots of kids gets on. Suddenly I remember the girl's name. It's all coming back to me. I recognize her friend too. They were my closest friends, how can I forget!

Liz and Marriah

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