chapter one:

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'How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not leaving this house!' my younger sister whined from downstairs.

This moving fiasco doesn't affect me at all. I don't really have friends to say goodbye to. Well REAL friends anyways. Everyone uses me for what I have, which is nothing actually. I don't know why they always have to smile up in my face and speak trash behind my back.

'Nikki!' My mom shouted cutting me out of my thoughts. I ran downstairs to see what she was on about.

'Yes mum?'

'Pass me that pan, it's right underneath and my back is really paining.' I followed my eyes to where she was pointing. Underneath a cupboard. I looked over at Stacy, she was packing plates. Mum couldn't just ask her?!

I reached for the pan and put it gently infront of her. I darted upstairs to fetch my suitcases and stared at my room one last time. It looks bigger than usual, we'll obviously because there's more space.

I walked downstairs one suitcase at a time. My father, who I may say is great at making good examples at horrible jokes, was packing bags into the trunk of our van. Well we DO have a pickup truck on the way it's just that he thinks it's best if we keep the clothes and pots and pans and, LET'S SAY THE WHOLE HOUSE with us. He doesn't trust a single sole other than my mother and that creates problems for everyone, yeah I'm going to be squashed at the back for a whole 3 hour drive!!! And who's going to be sitting comfortably in the drivers seat? You guessed right.

'Hey Nik. Can u pass me your bags? There's plenty of space.' He said cutting me out of my daze.

'Yeah. Oh, And there's still 5 other bags of more cutlery and dishes inside. Let's not forget the shoe bags and blankets...and practically my whole room. And yours...'

His facial expression slowly turned to a frown, almost like his thinking. He took a step back and checked out the car then looked at the house. Is he really...!? Is he really trying to think if the BED will fit?

'DAD your trust issues with almost every single person in this world is driving me insane. Can you at least trust these men and let them HELP us out?'

He sighed. 'Fine'.

'Thank you.' I turned around and took out my phone, I don't know why but I always hoped that I have someone who messages me something special and makes me smile...ew no, who's talking inside me? I don't need friends I'm good being alone, books and Netflix keeps me company and I definitely don't need any human sole making me laugh at some weird thing they did...YEAH moving on.

I decided that since my part of the house is packed I walked up to one of my so called, friend's house.

I knocked several times before the door open.

Mia looked surprised and smiled. 'Nikki! I'm so happy to see you. I was just busy with some...' she waved her hand behind her trying to show where she was busy. 'So uhm, why are you here?' To come say hello what else.

'I'm moving 3 hours away. I was just coming to say bye.'

Her eyes lit up but then sunk into an over dramatic emotional sulk.

Sneaky idiot.

'I will really miss you.' She said giving a full smile. Oh wow.


'All the girls will.'

She was so frustrating. I wish I could...just...ARGHHH.

'OK look, I'll tell them all about you moving and we will make plans for when we visit the holidays?' She said smiling.

I smiled.

'Okay I have to go. See ya later Nikki.'


And she shut the door.

Okay so I didn't expect an emotional goodbye, but...that was it?

I turned around and walked away. I hated that I was being treated like this. But I don't care. I don't need anyone to keep me happy. I have Netflix and books. And food. Let's not forget food. Never forget food.

When I got back the truck was there. All of the stuff was loaded, wow that was fast. I checked my room to see if there was anything left behind. Empty. I made memories in this house. A lot of them. But my parents said we must move on. Maybe it's a good thing though, I don't think I can keep up with such fake people around here anymore.

I got into the car and off we went.

I stared out of the window, thinking hard about the life I was leaving behind.

If they were ACTUALLY trying to be real friends they would've hugged me and said goodbye. Yet, I got a door slammed in my face. I was way to sweet to people and this is what I get in return. I try to be so friendly to people that doesn't even deserve it. I stand up for people that doesn't stand up for me. I remember that one time someone came up to Mia and said her shirt was the colour of her vomit. I literally took all my lunch and smacked it onto her face. Being the drama queen she is, she ran down the corridor screaming 'I've been murdered!' NO JOKES. She is the queen of drama. After that Mia turned to me and said I shouldn't of done that. She stormed off and left me there. Now that I think of it, I'm done being nice, I'm done being that nerd everyone hated and ignored. I'm not going to be picked on like that because of my braces, specs and me being tall. I'm barely 6 feet.

Once I reach my new town I'm going to be a new person.

After all it is,

new town, new me.

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