12th part

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The next day Yoongi was once again seated in his seat in the back of the classroom next to the window. It was closed today as the temperature had fallen quite a bit during the night and the sky had filled with dark clouds.

After spending the first class of the day staring at the dark scenery outside, Yoongi had decided that he was going to try to actually listen to the lectures. The period he had spent staring at the trees moving in the slight wind, had felt an entire day in itself and he knew that there was no way he would be able to keep that up for long. He had instead vowed to listen to the future clases of the day, hoping that if he did, time would pass by faster than what it had yesterday.

After all what he wanted the most, was for the day to end so he could get back home to his brothers and father as soon as possible.

Currently, it was their homeroom teacher who was speaking in the front of the room. She was trying to tell them all the basic regime rules and structures that the school had. "Like any other school bullying and violence is not tolerated and if you experience or see someone get bullied, you should report this to a teacher immediately." There were a lot of rules, Yoongi thought. Some of them he didn't even need to hear. He would never bully anyone, his daddy had taught him that it was a mean thing that would get other kids to feel sad. Yoongi might not always listen, but he would never intentionally make anyone sad.

There were very many other rules too, and to Yoongi's despair there seemed to be even be rules for their basic needs. "You are only allowed to eat in your classrooms or in the cafeteria during lunchtime. No snacking in between these times unless your teacher has allowed it." "You are required to-" -wear your school uniforms, stay within the school perimeter, stay seated during classes, ask if you need to use the bathroom.

Yoongi sighed, shuffling a bit on the assigned hard plastic chair. This wasn't like daycare. The teachers didn't seem like they would be kind or encouraging at all, only caring about rules and results. "We will take it easier on you in the beginning considering that the transition from daycare to school can be quite big for some of you." She gave the students a smile, eying them softly. Maybe she wasn't that bad, Yoongi thought, looking up at the young female teacher with brown hair to her shoulders and round glasses. Still, there were many new requirements Yoongi now had to wrap his head around. The good thing was the time did seem to have passed by a lot quicker than it had done the day prior and Yoongi smiled a bit when he saw a new teacher entering to take over the next lecture.

"Hello, everyone." The teacher said smiling at the class. "I know that you got to meet most of your teachers yesterday, but unfortunately you don't have any classes in my subject on Mondays." This time the teacher was a male. He too didn't look too old, probably in his mid thirties. He was wearing an outfit that was a lot more casual than their homeroom teacher's blouse and pencil skirt. He was wearing black, loose jeans, a white button up shirt and a bomber jacket. His hair was slicked back and he had a slight beard. "My name is Lee Seongi. I will be your music teacher for the year." Yoongi felt his ears perk up a bit at that. Till now they had only been introduced to academical subjects like Korean, history, math and literature, but music was something practical and something Yoongi loved (at least listening to). To him that sounded like a nice break from all the other harder subjects they would be learning.

"Now your music lessons will usually take place in the school's music room, so for starters, let me show you where that is." With another bright smile, the teacher motioned for the class to stand up and when they had, he started leading the way to the music room.

The school was pretty big and as the first graders were led through the many hallways, and past the even more identical doors, Yoongi was sure he was not the only one who was worried about not being able to find the room by themselves later.

Finally after what felt like an eternity of blue doors, they had arrived at the one that led to the music room. The teacher unlocked the door and when the he opened it, Yoongi felt his breath being taken away for a moment.

In front of him was a big room with soundproof walls and the walls were lined with many different instruments. Out of these there were many Yoongi had seen before and could name, and some that were shaped I such ways that he would've never expected to them to be able to make a single sound. To him though, the most extraordinary instrument of them all, was the grand, black piano in the middle of the room. He had never seen a real life piano before. He had only ever seen the great instrument, with the heavenly sound, on the television. It hadn't nearly looked as majestic on screen as it did now that saw it with his own two eyes.

He was sure he would've lost himself in staring at the piano if it wasn't for the teacher breaking him out of his thoughts. "I know that seeing the instruments is very interesting and I hope we will be able to use them through the year, but today I think we are going to do something a bit easier."

They ended up singing songs that they got to pick themselves while the teacher played different instruments to them.

Now Yoongi could genuinely say that he had found a part of school that was worth it and that made him look forward to the future the days.

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