Chapter 5: Paradise

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Namjoon's POV:

"Welcome all to the beautiful land of paradise, where you can't live, nor die, but you can dream all you desire! Now, your friends and family will be waiting for you. Please stand clear. Thank you!" *Blip*

Where is everybody?

My eyes couldn't seem to open, and my mind felt blank. 

Paradise, they say?

I reached my arms out to feel my legs- Oh, thank god that they're still there.

Then, I attempted to stand up, my eyes opening ever so slowly.

I soon saw the aesthetic of tall, pink valleys and hills leading off into the distance without an end, while the sky was the brightest blue I had ever seen.

My mouth gaped. "No, no, I must be dreaming..."

"Dreaming is the main goal here."

I urgently turned around, only to see the face of someone I knew. Someone I loved. Someone I... trusted?


"Yes, it's me... Namjoon Hyung. I see you've made it to paradise. Congratulations."

"Uh...thanks...?" I looked around some more, roughly rubbing my arms just to make sure I wasn't just dreaming.

Thank the lord that Taehyung didn't look much different than he usually did; he looked like his normal lively and dorky self.
I had hoped that this part wasn't a dream.

"Well, perhaps you would like to see the others?"

"O- others?? You mean Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook?" I jumped at him, his face looking suddenly surprised by my reaction.

"Haha, yes, of course. Who else would I be talking about?" His eyes were happy crescents and his hair blew in the wind. It almost seemed as if he were some distant memory that I had lost in touch of for years; I haven't seen him like this in so long. I'd missed it. A lot.

"No one... No one at all." I replied quietly, before Tae excitedly grabbed onto my arm.

"Come on, we don't have time to waste!" He began to run wildly with me dragging behind, through the tallest and largest meadows I had ever saw. It was... beautiful.

I also saw a few amazing, yet peculiar creatures prancing on by, minding their own business--Some included a pixie with longer legs than my entire body itself, and a three-tailed fox with a dapper top-hat and scarf.

And instead of questioning everything, I admired every bit of it. After all, everyone has their own interpretation of beauty, and this for one, was mine at its finest.

Then after what seemed like forever, Tae stopped running and so did I; we both stopped to see a group of the five boys, playing about in a forest filled with twilight and fireflies and some more pixies.

They all looked so happy and delighted to see us, but they even looked that way before they knew we showed up; did things change ever since I was in the real world? This must be paradise then, I thought.

"PILLOW FIIIIIGHT!!" I suddenly heard Hoseok shout, which turned the entire situation into a sea of feathers; I didn't have much time to think, and so, I just decided to try and join in on the fun.
No harm to it, right?

Everyone laughed and played and was joyful. Why couldn't it always be like this?

It almost seemed... too perfect to be reality.

"Ha, alright alright, I'm exhausted now..." I panted with a smile on my face. It felt good to be like this. It really did.

Jimin wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "It's nice having you around, Hyung. I've missed it. We all have."

I soon stopped to analyze Jimin's statement... He's missed having me around? Does that mean that paradise hasn't always been this way?

"Wait a minute... You mean, I haven't been around lately?"

"Well, no, you haven't, really... Everyone's been rather more gloomy than usual lately, ever since you weren't here. But now you are, so, what's the big deal?"

I stayed silent for a good few minutes to think about it.

This... paradise... What could have possibly provoked it? Or made it?

If bangtan had been gloomy in this place for a while when I wasn't present, then... 
What if this paradise was never really a "paradise" in the first place? 
What if it was made to bring us all back together? To be happy?

Happiness can never last forever. This can never last forever.

I've got to stop them before it's too late.

But, I've got to find a way to do that without hurting any of them.

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