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                                Chapter Three

There are all different types of ways to get rid of spirits. The most commonly known one — is Holy Water.

Yes, in some RARE cases Holy Water is used. But real experts know, it's rarely used in intelligent hauntings. Basically, you'll only see that in movies.

•Sage, Cedar, Sweetgrass
The most commonly used cleanser amongst paranormal investigators is Sage. Not only is Sage a great spirit pesticide, but it has been scientifically proven to reduce bacteria in the air. What are the chances?!

Sweetgrass is a great spirit maintenance tool. There are usually 12 strands of grass, braided. 12 for being every month of the year. When lit, Sweetgrass has earthy vanilla tones which invite the friendly spirit and protectors in.

These are great ways to rid spirits. You must know what you are doing and learn to physically, mentally and spiritually prepare yourself before attempting to cleanse your home.

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