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Janaki was sitting at the dining table with cats roaming in her stomach, she could literally eat raw meat and Ram was making the ingredients for a very long time. Janaki lost her patience and went to the kitchen and switched off the pan.

R: Why, what happened? You want to me to cook with microwave oven?

J: I am dying out of hunger Ram, and you are moving here like a zombie. Are you trying to tease me?

R: What is this Janaki? Even I am dying out of hunger, but the problem is, I am so tired trying to control you yesterday, even moving my muscle is so hard for me. Please bear with it.

Janaki felt bad for him, she was still wondering what did she do to him, as he got such nailmarks. Yet she tried to keep her curiosity undercover.

J: Oh ok, then why don't we order our food from outside?

R: We can't Janaki, we are running out of cash and you told me not to use card. And more over I have almost made the sausage ready, just the spaghetti needs to be cooked.

J: Ok then, I will make it.

R: Woah woah, Doctor ji, I am damn hungry and I can't bear to eat a burnt spaghetti Doctor ji, please don't.

Janaki pouted and this was the first time she did it in front of Ram, he found her cute and looked at her adoringly. Janaki was looking down and playing with her fingers.

J: Now what shall we do?

R: I suggest we cook together.

Janaki wasn't expecting that coming, she felt weird but with no other choice she agreed. Ram was happy that his trick worked this time as well.

The kitchen was comparatively small and each and every time they tried moving around in the kitchen there was some physical contact between them which sent electric jolts into both of them. They joked around and had lots of fun while cooking together.

Janaki thought that cooking is just a work and food is just to energize the living beings, but the aroma emitted straight from the pan felt like heaven to her .Somehow they made the spaghetti and Janaki could see that the food will satisfy three people.

Ram was digging in the food, whereas Janaki maintained elegance even though she wanted to dig as well. Ram noticed it and chuckled silently.

J: Ram, I guess it's because I am so hungry, this is the best food I have ever had, it tastes awesome.

This was the first time she complemented someone for their cooking skills, she felt different but good. Ram smiled acknowledging her compliment and thought to himself.

R MV: No wifey, I agree that we both are so hungry, but this food tastes awesome because we made it with love. No matter what work we do, we should hold some love for it. I will make you love everything you do in your life. Out of which I will be the only one who is outstanding.

Ram looked at her adoringly and looked away immediately when she looked at him. Janaki stared at the nail marks on his chest which were partially visible, making Ram giggle within.

R: Stop staring at me, I might choke on my food.

J: No, ah... I wasn't staring but looking and thinking of something.

R: What were you looking at and what were you thinking.

Asked Ram with a mischievous tone in his speech, earning a hit with spoon on his head from her.

J: In your dreams Manga.

Spoke Janaki completely flustered, red cheeks and stammering on her words.

R: I was just joking around Mangamma, don't hit me that way, it's hurting.

Ram pouted cutely and rubbed the place where she hit, Janaki looked at him worriedly, she stood up, came to him, removed his palm and replaced it with hers on his head. She gently rubbed that spot. Ram loved the moment and silently prayed that it should last for a very long time.

R: Why were you looking at me? You need more spaghetti?

J: I want to know how you got these marks and how you ended up on the bed with me.

R: I guess we need a flashback now, look up on the roof Janaki, that's the authentic way to get into flashbacks, suying...........


Ram would have slept for hardly 20 minutes and he felt a frisking moment on his hand, the same hand which was interlocked with Janaki. He woke up with a start to see Janaki twisting and struggling on the bed, sweating badly and also sleep talking.

Ram felt bad seeing her and he got close to her, his hands still interlinked with hers. She was also crying, which made Ram's heart sink, he was clear that she is having a nightmare, he shake her hard to wake her up and ended up with no gain, Ram tried pulling out his hands from her hold ended up having a scratch on his wrist from her.

Ram also started tearing up, finding a water bottle on the lamp table he sprinkled some water on her face. Janaki slowly calmed down and opened her eyes, as soon as she found Ram next to her, she jumped into his arms and shivered due to her bad dream. He understood that the drug still didn't wear off from her and it's working with full proposition this time.

J: Ram, it tried to eat you alive, that white monster she is, oh thank god you are safe.

R: Jaanu, calm down, you are with me, and as long as I am with you, you are safe.

Ram gently rubbed her back to calm her down. He broke the hug and shared an Eskimo kiss with her, calming her completely.

R: Now get back to sleep wifey.

J: mmm, come let's sleep.

R: What? No, you sleep here and I will sleep on the couch.

J: No Ram, I don't want that white monster eating you, stay here and I will protect you from it.

R MV: Yeah right, who will protect you from my shaky Hormones?

Next what happened was a shocking surprise to Ram, Janaki pulled him on the bed next to her pulling his collar, she hovered upon him, resting her head on his chest, making his heartbeat double times fast, which lullabied her to sleep.

But poor Ram, had to fight with his hormones throughout the night.

End of flashback.............

Ram censored his emotions and told her the rest, embarrassing her to the core.

Right at that moment, the heard the doorbell ringing. Janaki rushed towards the Door but stopped, thinking of something.

R: Why don't you open the door?

J: No, something seems wrong, that person is here with some other motive, listen to the pattern the doorbell is ringing. Something is really off.

Right then the person started banging the door hardly, sending chills down her spine....

Hello sweethearts,

I am so sorry for the delay,

I am dedicating this chapter to my Ammadi  , as a gift for her birthday,

Belated wishes ammadi xoxoxo...

Love you all,

Pavi <3

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