Love report on JungKook

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" JungKook is the most popular boy in the entire school, you should know that by now. He is a total package. Smart, rich and handsome. You can't find this type of boys in school nowadays. They are too rare. And most importantly, they are perfect. But do you think SeulMin would let you to date? " JiHyun asked. That girl sure can't stop talking.

" Obviously no. The four of them are crazy about the boys, never in their entire life would they give them up for us, " I replied stating the obvious. What's the use of trying to do the report? We can't date any of them and also dosen't have a crush on them.

" Now our mission is to get you to date JungKook! " She exclaimed as she clapped.

" Date JungKook?! It's not like he is my crush! He is only a friend not lover or something like that! "

This is ridiculous. And it's getting up my nerves.

" I can sense that JungKook likes you, " A smirk crept on JiHyun's lips. " Let's bet 1000 won. I say JungKook will fall for you. "

" Deal. I say JungKook would not, " I replied confidently. I am just too normal for JungKook who is a hottie on campus and total perfection package. Now I only have to wait to see who would get the last laugh.

What if I really did fall for him. Or he fall for me, which is next to no chance of possibility at all. What would SeulMin do? What would JungKook do? If that happens, this relationship would not be a pleasant one. Instead, it would be a torture to fall in love. And I can't since he is a hottie and I'm just some typical student. It's hard, maybe impossible. Who invented love in the first place? I think I might as well stay single for my entire life. Jongin oppa would take care of me. I'm sure of that.

Soon after our meet up ended, I went home to complete another few pages of homework before going to bed.


Ugh, why am I still thinking about that report again? Now, I can't sleep. Han JiHyun, it's all your fault!

But what if what she had said was true? What would happen in the future? If JungKook protected me from SeulMin and her girls, wouldn't the girls bully me even madly? Dear brain, please shut down. I need my beauty rest otherwise I would get ugly panda eyes tomorrow when I wake up!

I shut my eyes and imagine postive things, falling asleep.


The next day at school, the boys came to find EunJi. Coincidently, JiHyun was talking to her in the same time.. When JiHyun saw them, a smirk formed on her lips but it disappeared immediately when JungKook turned around to face her. " EunJi, can you accompany me to your cafe later? I really loved the Cappuccino I had drank yesterday, " HoSeok asked while munching on a sandwich.

" Sure! " EunJi replied.

" Could I tag along too? " JungKook asked cutely.

" Me Too! " Taehyung flashed his killer eyesmile.

" Of course! "


Well, well, well. Looks like JungKook is trying to get closer to her. 1000won say hello to me! JungKook might be unknowingly falling for EunJi. Daebak... But what if the rumor spread out? About JungKook liking EunJi? Omo, SeulMin and the girls are going to be so mad! I can't wait to see the expressions on their faces. Hahaha... But EunJi would be hurt by the girls right? Eotteoke? Can't the boys get rid of the fanclub or something? It is suppose to be a club for the boys' fans but it turned out into some hurt club or something. If JungKook were to date her, would he be able to protect her or would EunJi suffer from this relationship? If he can't protect her, would they break up? Just because of those stupid girls who hurt people? This is so not fair to JungKook and EunJi! It must not happen!

" JiHyun, let's get to class, " I heard EunJi's voice and felt a tug at my uniform sleeve.

" Ok. Bye boys! " I waved goodbye to the guys and folowed EunJi to class.

" EunJi-ah, " I said her name in a deep voice to mimic JungKook's voice.

" Yah, what's wrong with you? " She frowned.

" Nothing' " I chuckled. " I can really sense that JungKook likes you. You should better treat him even nicely. Maybe some aegyo would make his heart melt. "

" You know I can't do aegyo and I only take JungKook as a friend. Friend only, " EunJi replied, stating the fact as she pulled me into the classroom for Biology.


Poor JungKook. I pat on his shoulder as he hid behind a pillar. We were spying, wait no, stalking the girls. It's more like trying to know the truth. Yeah, that sounds better.

" I think we should get going too, " I tried to get JungKook away from there. His face looks somehow disappointed but it wasn't really obvious. Only the rest of the boys and I can tell clearly. The rest of them had already gone to class and here I am hiding behind the pillar with JungKook to carry out his great spying game. Maybe JungKook did like her after all. But first love is never easy. Most of the time, people's first love don't become their patner for the rest of their life. They just like them as a friend but didn't actually know the difference between a crush and a really close friend.

JungKook sighed and walk to his next class without even speaking a single word.He seems really sad getting to know he was friend-zoned. But remaining as friends might be best for the two I guess. It's better that way than having the crazy fanclub chasing EunJi and bullying her like mad people. If the date, I doubt they would go far because of the fanclub and break up, might not even become friends after that. I'm sure JungKook had a crush on EunJi. That's the only reason for him to hide behind the pillar and eavesdrop their conversation. JiHyun also said she can sense it too.

" Hyung! Are you coming or not? " I got snapped out of my thoughts. He remained silent again and had a cold pair of eyes on him. It shows either he is too angry or sad. Obviously sad. Maybe I should get JiHyun's number so we could talk about this.

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