Part 4

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Be warned, this chapter has a bit more suggestive/mature content. There isn't any smut but there is some violence and assault/attempted rape.


"We were this close to getting her working," Marlow said as they walked, "Me and Gungpai were going to take off into the open sea. Then one of the things got him."

The small group of men walked up to a dock and stopped, looking out at a small boat. Marlow was obviously very proud as he said: "There she is."

Conrad frowned, "Well that's lovely."

"Damn right."

The group climbed aboard the boat and began looking around.

"Does this thing even float?" He asked Marlow.

"Me and Gungpai spent six years of our lives building this thing. She's called the Grey Fox. She floats. Pulled the engine parts from my P-51 and his old zero. B-29 on the beach one day that was something."

Nieves was skeptical, "You got to be kidding me. This thing looks like its made out of pure tetanus."

"I know she ain't pretty to look at, but its nothing a couple extra hands can't fix. Now unless you got a better idea I suggest we get cracking."

Conrad nodded, "Alright."


Packard and his group of soldiers walked through the jungle, making their way to Chaplin's crash site. Packard glanced over his shoulder and did a double take. There was a huge, red hand print on one of the cliffs. He smiled and pointed at it with the barrel of his gun.

"Well would you look at that," he called to his men, "It bleeds. We did that. We hook up with Chaplin and there's enough munitions on that downed C-Stallion to finish the job."

He started walking again, and the rest of the group started following him, except Randa and Carl.

"You know why I carry this instead of an M-16?" Carl held up his gun to Randa. He shook his head, "Took it off a farmer. He surrendered right after we leveled his village, he was fifty years old said he'd never even seen a gun until we showed up. Sometimes, an enemy doesn't exist, until you go looking for one." Carl started to walk then, trying to catch up to the others.

"What happens when they show up on your doorstep?" Randa asked.

"I'll still have his gun!" Carl called, holding up the firearm as he walked away.

"Best of luck with that soldier," Randa muttered more to himself than to Carl. He held up his injured hand to the hand print on the cliff and frowned.


Mason walked through the village with a brand new roll of film in her camera. She took many pictures of the village, and one group one where she had everyone hold up the two-fingered "peace" symbol. That one was easily her favorite.

Back on the boat the guys were working; well, everyone except Nieves was working.

"Alright," Conrad said, "We've got forty-eight hours to make it to the north shore. Slipko do you know what you're doing back there?"

Slipko was sitting in the engine part of the boat messing with some wires, only his head was visible. "Yeah my pops a mechanic. If I can't fix this he'll disown me." Everyone looked at him. "If he ever sees me again that is," he muttered more to himself.

"Hold the phone there Churchill," Marlow addressed Conrad, "Russia was our ally. Now you're saying we're at war with them?"

He considered for a moment, "It's more of a cold war."

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