Part 2

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Cheyenne’s P.O.V

I'm at the school gates waiting for the girls to show up. 'Hurry up! Hurry up!' I keep saying in my head. Well, it's the first day of high school so it's kind of understandable. Their mums screaming at them to get out of bed, them running out the door, yada yada yada... I try looking in the near distance to see if I can find them. After a short while, I see the girls running up to the school. 'Finally!' They get a little closer. I can see that Rachael's dragging Mikayla and Jasmine by their wrists. 'Da heck?' Rachael lets go of their wrists and pushes them towards the school doors. "Shut up and get inside," she says to them. She sound kinda angry with them. Eh. "Hey, Ra-" I start. "No, Cheyenne," Rachael says. ‘Don’t talk to her…’ I walk inside and look around. Everything is different to what I thought it would be. The bricks outside are a deep blue, almost black. There were a few vines growing up the walls. ‘Something’s not right about this school’ I say to myself. I go up to one of the boards to see what classes there are to choose from.

Spell Casting…

Animal Breeding…


“What? Aren’t there any REAL classes?” “New to this kind of stuff, huh?” Says a voice behind me. I jump and turn to see a tall boy with dark hair standing next to me. “Um, y-yeah,” I reply. “Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it,” he assures me. “OK…” He runs his finger down the list of classes. “…Trapping and Capturing.” He looks down at me. “What’s your name?” he asks. I look up at him. “Um… Cheyenne,” I say quietly. “I’m Jai. See ya ‘round, Cheyenne.” He turns around and walks into his class. ‘Nice guy…’ I think.I look back to the list. After a few moments, I find what I’m looking for: Unicorn Riding. I see smaller writing underneath the class name. Warning! Unicorn Riding may result in injury or death. “…Meh.” I start to walk around the school to see where my class is, as well as seeing who else goes to this school. I notice a group of girls with cat ears and tails, and another girl who had fire hair. I knew this place was weird, but not THIS weird! I don’t know what to expect, but whatever it is, I know it won’t be normal. I finally find my classroom. I open the door and walk inside. Everyone stops what they’re doing and stares at me like a cow looks at an oncoming train. Now I know what the warning was for… They’re all silent. They’re all still staring at me. ‘This is just God damn scary!’ I say to myself. I slowly walk to the empty seat in the second row. “Up the front, kid,” says the teacher, pointing at the seat in front of her. I sigh and sit in the seat she told me to sit at. The teacher stands up from her desk, towering over everyone and points out the window at all the unicorns. “Choose one, sit on it and ride. If it flies away with you, you’re a true Unicorn Trainer. If it kicks you away and runs off without you, you SUCK. Understood?” She shouts at us. “Yes, Miss,” we say in unison. Everyone stands and walks outside. Everyone but me. The teacher looks at me. “What’ya waiting for, kid? Go on!” “I don’t understand. Why aren’t you giving everyone lessons? Like on how to use the unicorn’s magic?” I tell her. “Well, you’re a smart one, aren’t you?” I nod slowly. ‘Just agree with her and she won’t kill you.’ “Yes… Go to room 305 and tell the teacher that Ms Grackle sent you in.” “Yes, Miss,” I say slowly. I leave the room, closing the door behind me. I look at the two classrooms on either side of Ms G’s room. ‘301…302…303…304……305!’ I count in my head. I open the door to room 305 and look around. “Can I help you?” says a familiar voice. “Um, yes, I was sent in hear by-“ “Ms Grackle, yes?” the voices says. “Yep.” I answer as I look across the room. It’s the teacher talking. He gets up from his seat and walks up to me. “That woman…” he mutters. He gently pushes me into the classroom. “Take a seat.” “Any?” He nods. “Any.” I smile and sit at a desk in the middle row. I end up sitting next to a girl with short brown hair and green ey- “Rachael?” The girl looks over at me. “Oh, hey, Cheyenne!” she says with a smile. “What are you doing in this class?!” “Oh, I was supposed to be next door but I accidentally walked in here. Teach told me I can’t get out of class until it’s over. So, sent from Ms G I hear?” I nod. “Yeah...” she sighs. There’s a moment of silence between us… then suddenly we hear a loud THUMP from outside the window. Rachael stands up and walks to the window. “HOLY CRAP!” she yells. Everyone get out of their seats and runs to the window to see what has happened. There’s a boy outside, laying on the ground, not moving… not breathing… “I’m going out there!” Rachael announces. She pushes everyone out of her way and runs through the door and out of the building. After a while, we see her outside, kneeling down next to the boy. She holds his wrist to see if he still has a pulse. One of the girls next to me open the window. “Is he alright?” she asks. “SHUSH!” Rachael shouts at the girl. “TRYNA CONCENTRATE!” She lets go of his wrist and puts her hand on his back and moves it around every few seconds. After a minute or two, she stands up and rolls over the boy’s body and checks his pulse on his neck. The boy slowly opens his eyes. “You alright there?” Rachael asks him. He coughs a few times before replying. “Yeah, I… I guess I am…” Rachael puts her hand on his shoulder. “Are you able to breathe properly?” The boy nods weakly. “Come on,” she says, standing up and extending her hand. The boy takes her hand and she helps him up. She wraps her arm around his shoulders to help him walk. “I’ll take you to the Rest Bay so you can lay down. The school nurse should be able to help you, too,” she tells the boy. “Th-thanks,” he stammers. “Good job, Rach!” I yell out to her. She looks at me and gives me a thumbs up. She looks back at the boy. “You sure you’re OK?” she asks. He nods.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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