So as you may know not everyone is fucking nice in this world which is strange . Why can't we all just be kind to one another so the world can actually be a livable place? There's that 50% asshole ratio and the other 50% just clearly learn faster ,they know that kindness will get you much farther than being a heartless asshole for no actual reason. Okay someone stepped on your all white vans and didn't apologize there an asshole spreader. Asshole spreader: a person who is an asshole and does some asshole stuff to a non asshole and turns them into an asshole basically spreads their assholeness on others . If that made you uncomfortable because you can't handle words then hey I guess you can call it an asshole zombie or instead of calling it anything you don't even have to talk about it you don't have to think about it, have an opinion on it, or even make it relevant in your life . You can just move on and not care about stuff that doesn't benefit you in any way people need to learn to just stop gosh. Anyways, that was my mini rant come back on my next episode of I forgot the title but just come back bye guys .
How dare you muzduhfukqah
RandomThis story is about fucking assholes being assholes all the assholes that did me dirtier than My emotionally unbalanced dog that tends to eat her own booboo..