Well......that's new

23 2 78

Hey! I was tagged.

Fucking yay!

Fucking yay!

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1. If fictional characters count, yup.

2. No, they're fictional fucking characters.

3. My middle name is Emily.

4. I have a gf, but I see her more as a friend. Idfk.

5. I don't text.

6. I don't remember, but "We are never getting back together" has burned itself into my mind.

7. 31%

8. Harmony.

9. My great uncle. He's my male best friend.

10. RadioDust sounds pretty cool.

11. I found a story and wanted to read it, so I made my account.

12. It's a 3D Hatsune Miku animation.

13. June 27th.

Alright. 20 people. Hmmmmmmm...

1. A_Kawaii_Puff

2. Sharafloofy

3. ArtisticPieceOfShit

4. jhuana_infinity

5. FaronTerry

6. bisexaulbitch13

7. Kylafox1212

8. Milly-Loves-Kyla

9. ErrorAndInk01

10. _Lucky__Butterfly_

11. INeedHelpTTvTT

12. AdverseUniverse

13. underfellmoron24

14. Cookie3Jam

15. MaxwellBoyer

16. asterisksans

17. omegacain

18. xXPetals_InsideXx

19. SnowyWidow15

20. Countryhumansshipper

I was going to tag Re, but I think she blocked me or something.........................................................................


Ok, anyway, bye my blueberry muffins!

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