Park Meetup

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Mahiru POV
While walking around my home trying to find something to do I received a text from my close friend Hiyoko-chan. "Hm? Oh a text from Hiyoko-chan!" I opened my phone and read it to myself, "Hey Mahiru! How are you? Me and some classmates are gonna hang out at the park, would you like to hang out with us? It'd be suuuuper fun with you there hehe!" I chuckled a bit and then replied to the text, "Sure Hiyoko-chan I'd love too!" After a minute I received a reply, "yay! We'll be there at 10:30 AM, see ya there!" "Hehe, Hiyoko-chan is such a sweet heart, let's see" I check the clock and it reads 9:30 "I guess I'll have myself a snack and get dressed to pass the time" I go to my kitchen and grab a snack bar as well as run to my room to change out of my pajama's I had been lazing about in.

An hour later

I check the clock as it now reads 10:25. "Alright I'm all set, now time to meet up with Hiyoko-chan and her friends", I grabbed my camera and left my home locking the door behind me, after I made sure it was locked I started making my way to the park happily.

I arrived to see Hiyoko-chan and two male figures behind her, I make it to her and greet her. "Hello Hiyoko-chan, Sorry if I'm late!" I laughed awkwardly at her. "It's ok Mahiru! It's fine if you're late and besides we just recently arrived hehe" Hiyoko-chan said, she then pulled the two male figures out so that they were now next to her. "Cmon you two introduce yourselves or else" she threatened. The taller man wore a black open jacket and a purple scarf that sometimes covered his mouth, both had symbols on them, he had a singular earring on his right ear and bandages all over his left arm, his hair seemed to drop over his forehead on both his left and right side with most of it being on the left side. "My name is Gundham Tanaka, you better remember it well or my Four Dark Devas of Destruction will make you regret it! Ahaha!" Gundham said. "How rude! You just met me and you're already threatening me?! What kind of man are you?!" I said in an aggressive tone making Gundham back away and apologize silently, I sighed and looked at the other boy, he was tall as well maybe average, he had short spikey brown hair with an ahoge, it looked kinda cute but I kept that to myself, he had a white t-shirt on and had green eyes with lines going through both of them from the top left to the bottom right. "My name's Hajime Hinata, it's nice to meet you" he said smiling at me and holding his hand out. For some reason when I saw him smile I blushed a little bit, I quickly took and shook his hand with my own, "at least you're not threatening me so you're more of a man then Tanaka, my names Mahiru Koizumi, nice to meet you too Hajime" I let go of his hand before I decided to hold on longer and looked back at Hiyoko-chan. "So what're we gonna do here Hiyoko-chan?" I asked tilting my head a bit. "We're gonna have a relaxing day of fun!" Hiyoko-chan said before hugging me, I giggled as she hugged me and smiled at her.

Hajime POV
After introducing myself to Mahiru I began staring at her, I stopped after I realized what I was doing and looked away, I then heard her giggle and I turned a bit red, "damnit you just met her don't go crushing on her already!" I yelled at myself in my head. Mahiru looked up at me and then spoke, "hey you alright there Hinata?" I began turning a bit more red but looked away from her, "y-yeah I'm fine just thinking about what we should do haha" I scratched the back of my head awkwardly as my ahoge started doing its own thing. Mahiru tilted her head and then lifted up her camera. "Hey! You guys should let me take a picture of you all! I need to expand my collection anyway hehe" she spoke happily as she held her camera and I couldn't help but stare and blush at her. Hiyoko noticed when she looked back at me while hugging Mahiru and giggled. "Hehe~ Hey Mahiruuuu! You should join in on the picture!" Hiyoko didn't even give Mahiru a chance to answer when she pulled her with the hug and threw her at my direction. I quickly caught Mahiru in my arms and got thrown back a bit, "woah! Hiyoko don't do that! You could've hurt Mahiru!" I said a little angry, Hyoko replied with "oh cmon, you know you like what you're doing~." I looked down and noticed that I was holding Mahiru close to my chest, as soon as I did I turned extremely red and let go of her. "I-I'm sorry about that Mahiru!" She was lost in thought but her face was almost as red as mine, "a-ah...I-it's ok H-Hinata, t-thanks for catching me" Mahiru walked back over to Hiyoko and started talking to her and asking why she did that, meanwhile I stood there holding onto my chest and staring at her, Gundham then walked over to me and put his arm on my shoulder, "my Four Dark Deva's are telling me that you are in love Hajime Hinata." he said smugly, I quickly backed away and flailed my arms in front of my face and looked away blushing madly, "w-what! N-no that's crazy! I-I just met her today there's no way!!" Despite my efforts he wasn't convinced and just laughed his usual dramatic laugh, "hahaha! Don't fret my friend I won't tell a soul your little crush!" Gundham continued laughing as 4 hamsters popped out from under his clothes and nuzzled his cheeks.

Mahiru POV
I looked back and saw Tanaka and Hajim-Hinata talking to each other, I noticed he turned red and was flailing his arms, "cute..." I accidentally spoke too loud and Hiyoko-chan heard me and started giggling "hehe~ does big sis Mahiru have a crush on Hajime?~" she said giggling and making hearts with her fingers, "w-what?! N-no! I-I...o-ok maybe..." I buried my face into my hands and blushed madly..."oooo~ Hey Hajime!" Hiyoko-Chan shouted to get Hinata's attention, he looked over when his blush goes away and answers her, "y-yeah?..."
To be continued...maybe...depends on if you peeps enjoy lol...
Dis is terrible i know lmao, first ever story to go public for me woooo XD, well either way I hope you enjoy it and want a continuation whoever reads this, if anyone does lmao
Word count: 1182

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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