Chapter 1

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"Fantastic everyone! Good last day of practice before the VMAs. Don't forget to come in early tomorrow so we can run the whole number, costume and everything, with the artist. Everyone remember the location?"

Everyone replies with a "Yeah"

"Okay great" says Stephanie, "See you all tomorrow for the VMAs!!!" She shouts ecstatically, followed by a bunch of 'hoots' and 'hollers' from everyone else.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous for this but I'm also truly excited, I mean, this is huge for all of us. Not only are we dancing back up for THE Ariana Grande, but in front of some of our idols as well?! Sometimes I wonder if this is all some kind of hallucination or dream because I don't know how I made it this far in life.

I'm Riley by the way. A twenty year old girl who decided to take a chance and be spontaneous for once. Hence the reason why I am where I am today. You see, if it wasn't for my bestie of all time, Jasmine, auditioning to dance back up for Ariana Grande wouldn't have even crossed my mind. I've been dancing since I could basically walk, I was very energetic as a child so my mom decided it was time to put me in dance. My mom was a dancer when she was young so when she found that I couldn't stop moving she knew just the thing to put me in.

Although I've been in dance my whole life, I have never been truly satisfied with the way I danced and it's still like that to this day. Yes, people have told me that I have a "true and unique gift" that I "shouldn't waste", but no matter how many be people tell me those things I will never truly be secure with the way I dance until I feel those things about myself and I just don't. Yet.

"See you tomorrow!", I say as Travis hugs me goodbye.

Just as everyone is about to leave the studio, there is a knock on the door. "Knock, Knock", says a familiar voice.

"Who's there?", I reply

"Your favourite bitch, duh!" I laugh as Jasmine walks in with her car keys in hand. "You ready to go?", she says while swinging her keys back and forth.

"Yup, let me just grab my bag" I grab my bag and we head to our apartment.

Yes, we live together in LA because we're those bitches. We're originally from Canada, born and raised. Oh Canada, am I right? Any-who, initially, I thought living with my best friend was going to be like, parties every Tuesday but it's actually pretty chill and to be honest I like it more that way.

We decided to move out to LA because we thought it would bring us more opportunities and boy, were we right! Jasmine is now a well- known holistic doctor all throughout LA and I'm dancing back up for a huge artist! (As I've mentioned for like the third time now.)

"How were rehearsals", asks Jaz as she focuses on the road. She's always been so supportive of what I do and I'm the same way back to her we just love to see each other happy doing the things that make us happy. I really am grateful for our friendship.

"It went a lot better than yesterday." Yesterday, Samantha fainted during rehearsals from over working herself with the dance steps. I don't blame her though. Stephanie has been working us hard lately. Stephanie is our dance coach for the number. I get it because we are so close to showtime but she could at least lay off a bit, but I know that all of the work she makes us put into this is out of love, she just wants us to do good.

"I finally got the hang of this step ball change move we have to do. It's been bugging me for so long", I say with a little irritation in my voice.

"That's so strange. You're usually on point with picking up dance moves quick", says a concerned Jasmine.

"I guess. I've just been a little distracted lately, you know, with the break up and everything."

"Oh Riles! That was like 2 years ago", says Jaz.

"I know! But it still hurts, you know? You give someone your everything for them to just throw it away. It hurts."

"I know babe. Please do not let that douche Chad distract you from something this big! This is your time to shine and show everyone how talented you are. I'll be damned if he takes this moment from you."

Long story short, Chad broke up with me for no reason. I got zero explanation. This kept me up at night, wondering what I did wrong and why it didn't work out. To this day I still do not know what could've possibly gone wrong, but I digress. I won't dwell on the past. I'll try at least.

"Thanks Jaz. I promise, no more distractions!"

"That's right bitch"

I laugh as we pull into the apartment complex. As we head up the elevator I can't stop thinking about what tomorrow is going to be like. Will I meet any celebrities? Besides Ari, I don't think I've ever met any celebrities before, unless the backyardigans count..? Once I realized that Ariana was such a sweet and kind soul and really just like the rest of us human beings I realized that majority of celebrities must be that way too.

As soon as we got inside our cozy apartment, I immediately b-line for the shower. I hate being sweaty. I run the water and wait for it to turn warm before I step in. I love being in the shower. It clears my head of any negative thoughts and I just get to relax, very zen for me.

Once I hop out the shower I moisturize my skin with coconut oil, blow dry my hair, say goodnight to Jaz and go to bed since I have an early call time tomorrow.

I'm so excited for what's in store!

Hey, that's the end of this chapter! I'll be updating very soon because I wanna know what happens next. Much love❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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