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"Do you think this outfit is okay," Jimin asks from across the room as he stares into his mirror, swaying back and forth as if the color changes with movement, "I can't tell at this point. I've been looking at myself for too long."

Hoseok and Jeongguk look up from their spots on the younger's bed, submerged in homework that Hoseok has kept his word about helping Jeongguk on. The older scrunches his nose, taking in Jimin's current look and imitating a vomiting motion,

"I'll tell you one thing it isn't, cohesive. That shit reeks of a visually impaired fashion designer."

This causes Jimin to swiftly turns around and glare at Hoseok, "Why are you always here anyway? Don't you have your own dorm?"

"I do, but if I stayed there, you'd go outside looking like a mess, here," Hoseok pushes himself off the bed and crosses over to dig through Jimin's pile of laundry that he fails to always fold. Jeongguk watches silently as Hoseok grabs a shirt and shoves it in Jimin's hands. He straightens his back and looks around, and as soon as his eyes latch onto Jeongguk's dresser, he's making a b-line, "I know a pair of Ggukie's pants that will go perf-"


The pair stops and turns to Jeongguk, whose face is ambivalent to the situation. Hoseok pouts, pointing to Jeongguk's dresser, "But your pair of casual black slacks would go well with-"

"No, Hoseok."


The elder is now pouting immensely, shoulders slumped and eyes puffy, practically groveling for Jeongguk's approval, "He'll return them. I'll even do your next two batches of laundry. You know I never break a promise. Do you really want him to go out looking like that?"

Jeongguk quickly looks back at Jimin who is dawning a cheeky smile as he picks at his cuticles. Looking the boy over, Jeongguk looks back to Hoseok and rolls his eyes, "Next three loads?"

"I'll take care of all of your loads, Ggukie."

Jimin, who has been silently listening this entire time, makes mock gagging noises as Hoseok reaches in Jeongguk's drawers and tosses him a familiar pair of black slacks. The younger squeals and hurries to the bathroom to change.

"I wish you'd let me dress you," Hoseok whines, crawling back to his previous spot beside his friend, who's unamused expression remains, "I'd help you get any girl you wanted."

"As if you'd want that."

Hoseok pauses, thinking the comment over to himself before erupting in an energetic nod, "That is very true, my dear Jeonggukie."

"Where do you think Jimin is going anyway?" Jeongguk asks, studying the bathroom door as if he's trying to calculate the exact moment Jimin will reappear. Hoseok simply shrugs, picking up his pen and returning to copying down notes from Jeongguk's book.

"He's probably sneaking out to see Seokjin or something as if I can't tell."

"Why do you think that?"

Hoseok hums, looking up from his paper and meeting eyes with Jeongguk, "Why else would he ask for my opinion on an outfit. We both know Jimin knows how to dress himself."

Jeongguk nods slowly, looking over Hoseok's shoulder to see Jimin reemerge wearing the outfit Hoseok had put together, and sure enough, it looks nice. Jimin seems to think so. The younger claps his hands and rushes over to grab his keys. "I'll be back later tonight, see you guys later!"

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