Redheart Ch.2

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"Fine! But Redkit. Once your ugly you will never Ever be beautiful!"
Echofoot walked out of camp laughing so I looked down sadly.
"Meeting dismissed!"
The clan departed other than a couple of cats walked over to me saying to Ingore Echofoot and stuff like that.
~~~a couple of moons later~~~
" may all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the high rock for a meeting!"
I walked out of the nursery ready for my Apprentice ceremony.
"Redkit is now 6 Moons, so now she gets her Apprentice ceremony and name! Redkit, do you promise to protect you clan even of it costs you your life?"
"Yes, yes I do."
I said in a straight face still having my scar from the badger and with my tail up high
"Then for now on your clanmates will call you Redpaw and your Mentor will be Berrytail"
Berrytail came over to me and put his nose onto my forehead.
"Redpaw! Redpaw! Redpaw!"
The clan cheered my new name
"Clan dismissed"
The clan departed.
In my head: 'yay, I get to sit vigil'
I thought sarcastically.
~~~After eating~~~
"Goodnight Redpaw"
Berrytail yawned and walked towards the warriors den. I walked towards the middle of the camp and sat there trying hard not to sleep
~~~the next morning~~~
Jaystar walked out of his den and looked at me.
"Your done with Vigil now you can rest in the apprentice den"
I bowed my head
"Thanks Jaystar"
I walked to the Apprentice den and found an open nest to sleep in once I stood above it I layed down to rest

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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