Plants and trees provides us with what not ?
Those yummy delicacies which we taste...
Those beautiful designer wears
And our magnificient,huge house...
The basic of all these is plants....
So i consider gardening something..,.
Sacred,pure and an amazing art
Cause it moulds our lifestyle...
An Apple tree planted by our grand dad...
An orange tree planted by our dad...
A brinjal shrub planted by our brother....
A lettuce planted by us....
It has its own value...
It speaks of our care for plants...
It speaks of our respect for nature...
So gardening is something important...
Gardening is something precious....
For us and our future generation.
The Hobbies
Poetry"All work and no play makes jack a dull boy" -James Howells Everybody needs some time off their busy schedule , may it be you or me.So in our free time,we can indulge ourself in singing,poetry writing,reading, story telling and so on.They are our h...