the question

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it was a beautiful day. all the birds were chirping and the chipmunks were doing whatever the chipmunk does. in the distance fluttershy and discord were taking advantage of this and having a picnic. "but fluttershy, i insist. you must have some of these sandwiches. they are simply delightful." said discord said as he took a massive bite out of his daisy sandwich. "oh no, I know how much you like them so i'll just sit here and hum." replied fluttershy as she layed back on the rug and looked at discord. "i just love these days, Dont you discord?" asked Fluttershy as she reached out and grabbed a cupcake. "i especially like them when i am with you my dearest fluttershy."  discord replied as he finished off his sandwich and looked down at his watch. ""oh 8my gosh, look at the time. i am dreadfully sorry but i must go." panicked as he shook fluttershy's hoof and quickly whisked away. Before fluttershy started packing up her picnic discord appeared again and asked fluttershy "would you like to come to a restaurant with me?". " Why yes i will." replied fluttershy. "ok, thanks." said discord disappeared again.

as discord re-appeared in his chaotic house he was pumping his fist and shouting yes. but in a mere moment discord had realized what he had done. "ohhhhhhh, what have i done. i have just asked the only pony who likes me to go on a date with me, one of the most chaotic creatures in all of equestria." says discord as he slaps his head. he quickly teleports back to ponyville and starts walking over too a tree to think but when he arrives he sees cheese sandwich talking to pinkie pie. discord suddenly has an idea. he will ask cheese to come to his date with fluttershy and tell him what to say. "an ingenious idea me" says discord. "who were you talking too?" says someone behind discord. discord turns around and spots cheese sandwich behind him with a funny expression. "cheese, just the man i've been looking for. i need you to come to a date i am having and tell me all the words i need to say." demanded discord. "and what's in it for me" said cheese with a sly look. discord grabbed out 1000 bits and showed them to cheese. "i'm in" shouted cheese "these will make up for those 1000 bits i gave too rainbow*.

*this is a reference to Limestone pies a little love story

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