Part 1

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Diannes pov

I burst into my flat I shared with my best friend Amy with makeup running down my face as I ahd been crying so much. I look over and see Amy on the sofa cuddled up to her toy giraffe, Marvin, which she had since she was a little kid.
She hears me crying and coming in so she turns around

"di, babe, what's the matter why are you crying?"
Amy asks me

I cry to her

I sat next to her and she puts her arm round me and I put my head against her shoulder.

"he.. He... Jordan broke up with me"
I burst out crying even more.

"di that's horrible"
Amy replied to my bad news

"and he did it over text"
I added

"what an idiot, I knew there was something wrong with him"
Amy said to me

"I can't handle single life"
I say

"why don't you apply for a dating show?"

What a good idea I thought. I Google dating shows and lots come up.

Take me out
Love island
Blind dates
First dates
Dinner dates

Amy says pointing at my laptop screan

"what one?"
I asked her

"married at first sight"

I didn't really think about what I was doing but I found an application form on there and filled it in.

I just went to bed that night to see what could happen.


I woke up from my long sleep to see that I had an email, what could this be, some kind of dance company after me again. Probably

I was not expecting what I saw...

Dear dianne,

My name is Olivia carline and I am the executive director of married at first sight.

My team and I have read your application and seen your photos and we are interested in having you take part of the show.

On Monday 18th March we would like to invite you to our open day so that we can monitor you and find out what you are looking for in a husband.

Thank you again for your application and we are looking forward to meeting you on Monday 18th March.

Kind regards

The married at first sight team

Oh my god.
I have never been so exited I'm my life.
I run downstairs and see Amy making breakfast in the kitchen

"Amy, Amy, guess what?"
I ask her whilst jumping around the kitchen

She replies

"I'm going on the show"

"are you actually?"
She asks with a shocked face

"I swear to god look"
I say as I show her the email

"Amy, I'm getting married in three months time to a complete stranger"

"dianne I'm so happy for you"


I say

I was on the phone to my mum who moved to England after my granddad died with my dad.

"yes darling"

"I'm getting married in three months to a complete stranger"
I say

My mum says

I tell her the long winded story of how Jordan had broken up with me and that Amy had suggested going on the show and that I had been accepted to be on it. She was so worried but I assured her that I would be fine.

I honestly am nuts.

I am marrying a stranger in three months

What am I about to get myself in to?

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