Chapter Two

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“You-” He whispered. “All I want for my birthday is you!”

I laughed, trying to diffuse the tension between us. “I am serious. It’s only a week away.” I hugged Mr.Teddy, the soft toy he had given me for my birthday. “Or else, I might seriously consider getting you Teddy’s brother!” I teased him.

“I am serious too.” He said indignantly. “A box with you in it-that’s all I ask.”

“Hmm... I will have to think about it.” I told him, pretending to go along with it. “That’s an expensive gift you’re asking for!”

“You don’t know your value in my life.”

A huge gust of wind blew in as the curtains flapped around, waking me up. I must have dozed off.

I felt my heart leap when I saw the open doors to the balcony: I remember closing them earlier; Jonas must be here! But then, the front door is locked and he could not have gotten in unless I let him in. It has been a week since he lost his key.

Picking up my phone, I scanned the screen for any notification from him. No call. Not a single message. It was past 3 am.

The wind howled outside as a loud bolt of thunder followed the white flash of lightening. Dispirited, I walked towards the window to lock the glass door which must have opened from the strong wind.

Tying the flying curtains to the hook on the wall, I took a look outside at the street glistening with water as the rain poured ceaselessly. Another bright flash lit up. I noticed a lone figure walking slowly and wondered what had brought him out in this rain. He flicked his hair getting into his eyes and steadily resumed his pace. The familiar gesture did not go amiss. Jonas. Not waiting for him to come up, I dashed out to meet him.

I felt a surge of relief as I saw the smile that lit his face when he saw me on the doorstep. He paused and I motioned for him to hurry up. In the dim glow of the streetlamp, I saw his smile flicker as he took a step forward. I saw him fall as if in slow motion.

“Jonas!” my scream rang in the empty neighborhood only to be drowned amid the loud roar of the thunder. I ran barefooted across the street to his crumpled form, shivering: not from the cold water that drenched me but the fear that gripped my heart.

I knelt down beside him and tried to block the rain falling upon his face.

“Jonas?” I called out but my voice came in a whisper.

His eyes flickered open and I felt a sob escape my throat. Jonas made no attempt to get up. He grimaced slightly. He is hurt! As soon as the realization hit me, I looked around wildly for someone else to help me take him home. But not a soul was in sight.

I tried to pull him up but finally resorted to resting his head on my lap.

His eyes closed again.

“Help me!” I screamed into the night. “Somebody! Anybody…” My voice faded away as another loud clap of thunder resounded around me.

Tears streamed down my face only to be washed away in the rain. The thin dress offered me no cover against the endless downpour but I cared not about anything but my Jonas who seemed to be waning before my very eyes as I crouched beside him on the hard concrete.

Trying to smother my cries, I looked at his pale face and brushed his hair falling onto his eyes.

I whispered his name again knowing that no one but I would hear it and repeated it again as I lowered my forehead till it rested upon his, hugging his body close to me.

Just then I felt a movement beneath me. Raising my head, I saw Jonas looking back at me. He raised a shaking hand towards me and softly grazed my cheek. I held his hands against my cheeks. I tried to speak but my voice failed me.

He is going to be fine. I repeated in my head, staring into his hazel eyes. Must be the fatigue catching up to him finally.

I saw him close his eyes once again and his hand went limp in mine.

I couldn’t hold back the tears as I held him close once again, hugging his torso. It was then I noticed the warm liquid on his back. Another flash of light and I watched in horror at the thick red stain spreading steadily on my white dress.

No! It couldn’t be!

Headlights shone ahead illuminating the rain that showed no sign of ceasing. The light from the motorbike spilled upon the still form of Jonas and the fading stain on my dress from the water, as it stopped a few feet from us. I could not move: horror filled every crevice in my body as I stared at the still body on my lap, my silent scream echoing in my head. I saw a silhouette move towards us but darkness engulfed me until I could see no more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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