Chapter 11 Max, More Crying, Plans, and Help

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Don't kill me! I explain things bro. O_o

Read on, readers, read on and keep the pitch forks away. D:


Max (GassyMexican) POV:

When Anthony told me all that happened I had gotten a ticket for the earliest flight out. As I sit on the plane waiting for us to land I think about how I had yelled at Adam the day before. He was going to tell me something, and I was an ass. I feel tears fall out onto my face as I think about my friend, gone.. Shit Adam.. I'm so sorry.. The plane lands about thirty minutes later and I slowly get off of it. I get out my phone and start to text Anthony.

Max: Hey.. I'm here.

Ant: Alright.. I'm on my way.

Max: Anthony..?

Ant: Yeah, Max?

Max: Be careful.

Ant: Yeah..

I put my phone away and go get my bags, once I get them I walk outside to wait for Anthony. I sit down and pull my phone out opening my twitter. I see a bunch of tweets asking where Adam is, and asking if he's alright. Then I see a tweet from Cathy. It says Adam is fine, and not to worry he's just sick.. sick my ass. I'm about to tweet back when someone stands beside me, I look up and see Anthony wearing sun glasses. I stand and pull Anthony into a hug.

"We'll get her Anthony." I say, my voice cracking making it less believable than I wanted it to sound.

"She hurt him.. even if she didn't ki-" I stop Anthony before he can say it.

"Anthony. We should probably go, we'll talk in the car. Okay?" He nods, grabs one of my bags and leads me to his car. When we get to his car he puts my bags in the back, then gets in the driver seat. I get in the car and we head to his house, we go over what happened when he had woken up and I tell him about the tweet Cathy wrote. Let's just say.. I took over driving while Anthony cried.


Anthony and I have been thinking of what to do for hours and we can't figure any plan out. We take a small break and I see there's a new video up on Adam's channel. I click on it and watch it, quickly becoming horrified.

Adam sits tied to a chair, crying. He's alive! Then Cathy comes on camera, showing a big smile. I see her hold a knife to his throat... The video stops, just as she reaches Adam's throat and a small trickle of blood come out. I look away, then think... this is on Youtube.. she's going to show everyone? I look at it and see in the description 'Only to a select few... ;)' I drop my phone and run to the living room where Anthony was and grab his phone from him.

"Max? What are you doing?" He questions, but I finish what I'm doing and give him back the phone.

"Now, Anthony.. I did it to help you." I say backing away slowly. He looks down at his phone and goes to do something, when he looks up with a confused expression.

"Why'd you put a password on my phone?" He gets a notification that Adam has uploaded a video and his eyes grow wide. "Max?! Is it.... is he-" I look at the tears growing in Anthony's eyes.

"He's alive Anthony, but you don't want to watch it." He nods and his tears escape onto his face. After a few seconds he gathers himself and looks at me with a deadly look in his eyes.

"I have a plan."

Anthony POV:

"I have a plan." I say as I stare at Max, who nods and waits for me to continue.

"Well, if we could get a location on her then we could find her, and Adam."

"But, Anthony, how do we know where she is?" I look at Max and shoot him a giant devious smile.

"Give me your phone, since you put a password on mine." Max gives me a 'do you think I'm an idiot look'

"I won't look at the video. I promise." Max nods and goes to get his phone, when he returns he hands it to me. "Now, you promised.. Don't break it." I nods and snatch the phone away, calling Smarty.



Smarty: "Hey Max."

Ant: "It's not Max. It's Anthony. I need you to do something for me."

Smarty: "Alright, whatcha need?"

Ant: "No questions asked."

I hear Smarty take a deep breath

Smarty: "Okay, shoot."

Ant: "I need you to pinpoint a location on a phone number for me, okay?"

Smarty: "Yeah, I got you. Give me the number."

I pause and hand my phone to Max. "Unlock it and give me the number." Max does what I say and gives me the number, which I repeat to Smarty.

Smarty: "Alright, it'll take about an hour though Anthony."

Ant: "Okay, just try to hurry Smarty.. It's important."

Smarty: "Ok. Bye."

Ant: "Bye."

I hang up the phone and give Max his phone back.

"Well.. are you hungry." Max asks, and I nod. We head to the kitchen and while he makes food I stare at the note I had found, tearing up a little, but refusing to cry again.

He's okay.. He's going to be fine.. Adam.. please be alright. I love you. I think to myself, slightly hoping he would hear my thoughts, but then give up and eat the food Max had made.

Adam POV:

"Why the hell would you do this?" I growl at Cathy, who had just posted a video to my channel. She turns and gives me a sweet smile.

"Because I love you Adam." She walks over and kisses me on the cheek, I stuggle so she can't, but she grabs the knife again and points it at me. "Adam. You're going to love me, or else." She says through a wicked grin. I close my eyes and try to hold back my tears.

Anthony... Please help me..



Okay, there. Better? Kind of...

Anyway... Enjoy.

and Stay Awesome.

I am afraid for Adam.. I created a monster Dx

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