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Quote 1

Real friends are not the ones who make your problems disappear, but are the ones who don't go when you face your challenges.

Quote 2

If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.


The flight was quite disturbing. For me, at least.

I felt very agitated.
Pictures of Rhea and Varun flashed in front of me, across my brain, invoking more tears from my eyes.

Why? What had I done to deserve this? I had not only lost my girlfriend but my best friend also. They were a part of the few important people in my life.
I mentally sobbed.

I closed my eyes, and all these thoughts played in my mind. My heartfelt heavy after carrying such sadness.

The flight was quick.

I put on my hoodie and walked towards the exit. I kept my eyes down so that no one recognises me.

I reached the exit, and a gust of cold breeze hit my face. I closed my eyes at the feel. And when I opened them, I was the same Sahil Malhotra.

I walked towards a cab and told the driver, my voice hoarse because of my crying.

"The Indian University. "

I sat on the back seat of the cab and looked outside the window without seeing because my eyes were brimming with tears, and my brain felt too blurry. My heart, of course, felt like a heavy sack, which I was forced to carry.

I reached my destination and made my way to the entrance where a guard stopped me.

I pulled my hoodie even closer so that he would not see my bloodshot eyes and shattered face.

"Ayesha Mehra."

He gave me a second glance and after a lot of internal discussions, decided to leave me in.

I walked in the corridors, peeping inside every classroom and occasionally entering the class, which earned me looks from people.

I finally found her on the second floor.

Ayesha was sitting on the last bench. Her eyes were fixed to her books, which were on the table. She sat along. It seemed like she was being isolated.

I also see another girl standing in a few feet away from her with a gang. She is pointing at her and laughing. Ayesha knew about this but was oblivious to the fact.

I pull off my hoodie and make my way inside the classroom. People become silent at my entry, their eyes wide open. Ayesha did not seem bothered but still observed in her book.

I made my way to the last desk and stood before her. I asked my brain not to let me cry. But still, a drop emerged from my eyes and splashed on Ayesha's hand.

She immediately looks at her hand and looks up. She was too shocked to reply at first. She whispered my name.

Her face suddenly changed, seeing my pained expression. Her face turned from shocked to happy to delight to concern.

She looked at my eyes directly, and I looked back at her and tried to meet her questioning gaze, and my eyes seemed to give her a message, cause she immediately gathered her belongings, and stood up.

"Let's go." She said.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the door. We were both oblivious to the fact that an entire class was watching us. They were whispering.

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