11: Address

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What happened before —>

Namjoon blushes hard with both Taehyung and Jimin on top of him. "w-wait stop p-please" Namjoon says with breathy pants. Jimin whispers in Namjoon's ear "I said I wanted to make you scream right? How about I let you scream my name".

Nobody's POV

"W-wait why are you guys so aggressive with me all of a sudden" Namjoon says as he try's to keep his moans to a minimum. Namjoon tries to take their hands off of him and move away but they were sticking like glue to Namjoon.

"Stop struggling, you're making this no fun" Taehyung said with a smile as cute as a small puppy. They keep playing around with Namjoon until he speaks up. "I t-thought you were straight J-jimin" Namjoon says in shaky breaths.

"Hey Tae did I ever say I was straight?"
"I can't really remember Jiminie"
They both laughed. Namjoon sat in shook as they keep messing with him. "Jimin...Taehyung p-please s-stop..." Namjoon said with a moan. "Your moans are so adorable" Jimin laughed.

Jimin and Taehyung keep touching Namjoon, until Namjoon really started to struggle. Namjoon felt himself getting hard and he wanted out. He didn't like the feeling and so he started to whimper. "Awww baby boy are you going to cry" Jimin mocked Namjoon

Namjoon was wiggling and trying to shove them off. It work for a split second and Namjoon took that chance. He shoved Jimin on to the floor. Taehyung wasn't holding him with a well enough grip when Namjoon pushed Taehyung and ran to the door.

Even when Jimin yelled at Namjoon to 'GET BACK HERE' Namjoon kept running away. He ran up multiple stairs without looking back until he made it all the way to the roof. Namjoon sat down and took a breather. He stared at the beautiful sky filled with clouds.

At this point lunch is almost already over and Namjoon will have to see Jimin and Taehyung again because of class

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At this point lunch is almost already over and Namjoon will have to see Jimin and Taehyung again because of class. Namjoon starts to think about how he can get out of this class with no problems of seeing Jimin and Taehyung. He wants to avoid them at all cost.

Namjoon needs a plan. Namjoon being smart and all, thought of an easy plan that would most likely get him in more trouble but the risk was worth it for him. Namjoon's decision was to act sick.

Namjoon got up and walked out of what is soon to be his new hiding spot from Taehyung and Jimin. Namjoon walks around looking up at the sky. He lays down and closes his eyes. That moment of him closing his eyes turned into a deep sleep.

𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡

Namjoon soon awakes from his deep sleep to feel a vibration in his pocket. It's says Jiminie Pabo🙄. Namjoon freaks for a second but then answers

Jimin: "Where the fuck are you at?"

Namjoon: "Somewhere over the rainbow"

Jimin: "there's not even a fucking rainbow outside. Your starting to piss me off tell me where you are."

Namjoon: "I will soon... very soon and why you mad you just called"

Jimin: "Whatever just meet me at my house, I'll send the address"

Namjoon: "Your not going to try to rape me with Taehyung again are you?"

Jimin: "I can't make any promises but I will do a lot worst than just rape you with Taehyung if you don't get yo ass over in my house"

Namjoon: "I don't even know you well enough to have you rape me"

Jimin: "You sound dumb as fuck. That's the point of rape you don't know the person"

Namjoon: "Your ruining my life"

Jimin: "Your life seems ruined already"


Jimin: "Hahahaha I don't really care now get yo ass over here"

Namjoon:"Fine send the address"

Jimin: "Bye bye love"

Namjoon:"Bye thot"


Namjoon hung up as fast as he could when he said that. Namjoon smiles to himself as he walked from the rooftop. Namjoon's phone vibrates as he walking down the stairs. It's from Jimin, and it has his address in the message. As Namjoon looks as the time he realized he skipped the rest of his classes because he fell asleep. Namjoon sighs "Yoongi Hyung and Hobi are not going to be happy with me".

Namjoon POV

'Damn Jimin is super annoying. I can't even see Hobi and Yoongi hyung. On top of that, Taehyung is a pervert, also might as well kill me.' I walk out the school, putting Jimin's address in the GPS on my phone. I put my head phones in and listened to my music in silence. I walk down the street, my favorite thing to do while listening to music.

Sadly, I have to go to a demon's house AKA Park fucking Jimin. I'm sick of asking my self this but why did I have to be his target or what ever? What's so special about me that he picked me out of the school? 'What the hell am I evening talking about I'm like the only delinquent in this entire school.' I keep thinking to my self till my music stop and my phone started to vibrate.

I look at my phone to see 'Lil Meow Meow Hyung'. "Fuck it's Yoongi Hyung" I say to myself very quietly. I stare at my phone for a good second thinking if I should answer but, if I don't answer he going to kill me later. I stare and press the answer button. As I answer, I hear yelling going through my headphones right away from Yoongi Hyung and a small hello from Hobi in the back.

"hI jOonIe"

Hello I'm back I've been gone for a while but I will post today and tomorrow for Namjoon's birthday I been busy with school and stuff though i have been writing my stories in class and making them in class luckily AND THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR 2K I DIDNT THINK IT WOULD BE THAT POPULAR 💜💜💜. A BIG THANKS TO BEST FRIEND/ MOTHER(not really a mom but she my mom lol) ilovemememememe 💜 <—go look at her stories she great at them

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