Power Couple

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"Go! Just get out of here!" Shouted Steve, waving off Erica and Dustin.

You held onto Robin's hand, looking between her and the others. If you leave, Robin could get hurt, you could lose her, you may never see her again. But you knew trying to stay was just going to be a waste of time, because she's not going to let you.

Robin squeezed your hand tightly, one last time, "Y/N, You need to go with them." She looked at you seriously, "Steve and I... We'll be fine! Just go!"


It was one of the most relieving, yet stressful moments in Robin's life. She knew that, at least for the time being, they were safe. But she also knew that you were nowhere to be seen. And it terrified her.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Nancy looked at Robin quizzically.



Robin turned around immediately, she was sure she had smiled wider than she had ever smiled in her life, "Y/N!"

You ran towards your girlfriend, your feet carrying you as fast as they could.

Robin held both of your hands as she inspected you for any cuts or bruises, "We were so worried!? Where were you?" Her hand cupped the side of your face.

"I was- You painted heavily, "-The vents.. I didn't fit. I had to go... And then-" Before you could continue, Robin pulled you in for a hug.

"I was so worried." She mumbled into your shoulder.

"I'm okay."

When you both pulled away from the hug, you were still holding hands.

"Are you okay?" It was your turn to be worried now, "Oh god, what did they do to you?!" The panic elevated in your voice.

Robin swallowed, smiling gently at you, "It's- it doesn't matter. I'm okay."

You laughed, the mood suddenly feeling lighter, "I missed you."

Grinning, she pecked you on the lips, "I missed you, too."

You dropped one of her hands, your right one still holding on to her left, and looked around at everyone. Jesus they looked confused, it as hilarious.

You both instinctively turned to Steve, smirking.

Steve our a hand on his hip. Apparently deciding to take matters into his own hands, he gestured to you and Robin, "Aren't they good together? They're basically a power couple."



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