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"Come on, Y/N!" You spoke aloud to yourself, your foot pushing you faster and faster on your skateboard, "Come on, come on, come o-"


Your entire life basically flashed before your eyes before you came crashing down to the ground. You groaned, grabbing your knee in pain.

"Well that didn't work."

'Dingus!' Your girlfriend, Robin's voice was ringing in your head. It made you giggle a bit through your tears.

You wiped a tear from your eye, grabbed your skate board and got up, deciding to just walk the rest of the way to the mall.

Walk? More like limp.

You tried not to cry, you didn't want to be one of those people. But your knee had been cut right open, and you were pretty sure you had at least sprained your ankle. Luckily, you knew that Robin would know what to do, as she had done a lot of patching up during soccer games and practice.

And so you trudged your way, shamefully, into the Scoops Ahoy, still wiping tears from your eyes.

Steve was the first face you saw when you walked in. He grinned at you,

"AHOY, Y/N! L-EooooHoLeYsHiT!" Steve screeched when he saw your knee.

You were about to respond when Robin burst in through the back room.

"Holy shit! Are you okay?" She looked genuinely concerned. You hated the thought of worrying her.

You nodded, gesturing to your skate board.

She rushed over to you, pulling your arm around her shoulders and helping you into the back room. She helped you sit down on the floor.

"What'd you do this time, dingus?" She wiped a bit of dirt off of your cheek with her thumb.

You rolled your eyes, cracking a small smile. Calling you dingus was kind of like her way of saying she loved you.

She smirked slightly, taking a step back, and crossing her arms. "Seriously! I told you to be careful on that thing!"

"jeez. Okay, mom."

Robin laughed, grabbing her backpack before turning back to you.

She pulled out a few medical looking things from her bag. You both sat in silence, and you watched her eyebrows furrow as she focused intensely on wrapping your ankle.

When she was done you stood up quickly, trying to hide when you winced in pain.

You gave her a quick peck on the lips, "Thanks babe!" You smiled mischievously at her, picking up your board.

Robin looked at you, eyebrows raised.

You turned around and started walking out.

Robin called after you "Y/N, I swear to god!" She pointed at your board, absolutely exasperated, "You better not be getting back on that thing!"



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