The Seamstress

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Rain pounded on the glass window, softly at first before the thumps felt as if they would break glass. 

Mari sighed, seeing the rain drip onto what could've been a perfect day. She went over to her closet and took out her outfit that she planned to wear.

A pink off the shoulder sweater dress, and a matching pink hairbow. Sighing, Mari felt the fabric of the dress. It would be fine if her shoulders were covered, but they weren't. She picked up the dress and put it back into her closet.

Staring into the closet, Mari picked out a pink sweater and purple leggings. 

Shrugging, Mari put the outfit on, pinning the bow onto her head.

Running downstairs, she quickly greeted her sister, hugging her and grabbing a chocolate muffin.

"Hey! Don't forget, home before five." Her sister, Robyn called. 

Mari nodded, mouth full of muffin as she walked to school.

At Hilda highschool, the main student hub was bustling with students. Mari scanned the area. She could see her friend Nick in the distance talking to her other friend John. She walked towards them, passing a girl in a purple hoodie, reading a comibook and past another girl in a blue t-shirt, pinning a poster for the gaming club on the wall.

As Mari walked towards the two boys, she noticed out of the corner of her eyes, a jock girl with auburn hair. Daisy.

Mari felt it odd to crush on Daisy. She was a jock, while Mari was an all-around type of nerd. She loved video games, music and art. From what Mari could tell, Daisy loved competition. Tennis, soccer, etc.

Blushing as she walked up to John and Nick, Mari looked away from Daisy.

"Someone totally just saw Daisy." Nick teased.

"Shut uppp." Mari whined as the three walked to class.

The day flew by fairly quickly. As the final bell rang, she said goodbye to John and Nick, heading off to her video game club. 

Walking into the club, she was greeted by Melody, the leader of the club.

"Mari! You made it! Just in time!" Melody handed Mari a controller. 

"Oh, what exactly are we playing?"

"What do you think?" Melody laughed, gesturing towards the projection which was showing a fighting game. 

Later, as Mari walked out of the school, she noticed a cloaked figure walking in the distance. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see two other girls leaving clubs as well. 

Penny,  a member of the art club. She had dyed violet hair, and wore a dark purple jacket. In her hands, was a folded up comic book. 

Another girl she noticed leaving was Jenny. She had black hair, and wore a dark blue sweater. She was holding a phone with a pair of headphones connected.

The cloaked figure continued to head towards a nearby hill. Curious, Mari began to follow it, unaware that this caught the attention of Penny and Jenny as the two decided to follow as well. The cloaked figure eventually came to a stop as it now stood near a tree.This caused all three to come to a sudden stop, with the two bumping into Mari by accident.

“I'm sorry!" Mari apologised quickly, realising her pink hairbow had fallen onto the ground during the collision. 

As she looked down to pick her bow up, she noticed the bow glowing softly. 

"Oh cool, glow in the dark!" Penny noticed, as Mari quietly scooped up the bow. 

In a flash of pink light, something began to happen. The bow fastened itself to Mari's hair. A pale pink superhero mask appeared on her face, and the light swept down Mari's outfit, giving the teen a pink Japanese schoolgirl outfit. 

"Woah!" Jenny remarked, as her and Penny gazed at the outfit. 

"How did you do that?" Penny asked, looking up and down Mari's outfit. 

"I… don't know." Mari remarked, smiling at her outfit. She struck a pose, before giggling. 

Penny and Jenny grinned, unaware of a nearby presence. The cloaked figure was hiding in the distance, quietly sewing two new bows. One blue and one purple. With a snap of their fingers, the bows landed in the other two girls hands. 

"Oh!" Penny gasped, quickly pinning the purple bow to her hair. The same thing that happened to Mari happened to Penny, except all her colors were purple. 

Jenny repeated this, getting a blue color scheme. 

"We're like a cute gang of superheroes!" Mari exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.

“Ooo, this is cute. I like it.” Penny added, also pumping her fist in the air.

“ did this happen?” Jenny asked, with a confused look on her face.

“Perhaps it is best for me to explain..” said the cloaked figure

“You see, I have come to inform you three that your world is in danger.”

“Danger, how so?” Mari asked

“Let me explain, you see, there is someone out in this world that will do anything he can to claim the powers that are within the bows that are in your possession. I have given you three a bow that contains a different type of power. You must use these powers in order to stop this man, and protect your world from utter danger.”

“But, how are we to stop this unknown man? We don’t even know what kind of powers we have and how to use them.” said Penny.

“That is where I come in, for you will meet me here tomorrow afternoon. For I shall teach you three how to use your abilities. Is that clear?”

All three nodded in agreement.

“Very well. Until then, farewell.” the cloaked figure said before disappearing in a puff of smoke. 

"So… We are superheroes!" Mari exclaimed, walking off with Penny and Jenny. 


"Hmm. Mari Maxwell, Penny Gwendolyn and Jenny Rose. Very interesting choice. But I have a better choice with you, Ghost." A dark figure spoke, watching the three run off. He then turned to an unconscious blonde girl. 

The figure grinned, placing a dark red bow in her hair, watching as her unconscious form squirmed before opening her eyes. She had the same look as the others, a red color scheme to match.  

The girl suddenly became transparent and gently floated into the air.

"Retrieve those bows at all costs." The figure ordered. 

"As you wish… Hornet."

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