The Runaway

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The time is 17:38, on the 21st October 2014. 

My name is Connor Samuel John Ball and I am writing this to let you know who I am, how I am, and what my aims in life are. Never did I think I would be touring the United Kingdom alongside my three soulmates. But something terrible has happened. I decided to buy my own house, I thought it would be cool, but I was greatly mistaken. I had all these intentions of having parties and get-togethers, sleepovers with my very three soulmates, but neither Brad, Tris or James are interested. We haven't fallen out, no, no, no, never. But for some reason they weren't so into the idea of splitting apart in terms of acommodation, and they weren't in a rush to move in with me. They all still love me though, we're in a love lockdown that cannot be broken by any means. Haha. To the point, I therefore decided to get a roommate, so to not be lonely in the evenings. Her name was Liv Bella Thomson. A beautiful brunette with a beautiful name. So is my girlfriend, that's the issue here. She is perfect, of couse. We are perfect, of course. Everytime I look at my girlfriend I break down inside, mailfunction so to speak. But she went on holiday. For three weeks. And it was just Liv and I. We sat in the frontroom watching X factor, eating pizza. I was sitting on one sofa, and Liv on another. She stared at me with her big, blue eyes, longingly. I got myself up and placed my plate on the coffee table, there was still pizza left. I moved across the lounge and sat beside Liv; she just stared. "So...Umm, how are you?" I said, clearing my throat.

"Overwhelmed that the bassist is sitting beside me, asking me how I am. I am estatic that the bassist is my roommate. I am shocked that the bassist cooked me pizza. Lush pizza, by the way. What about yourself?" Liv smiled.


"What?" Liv laughed.


"What?" Liv laughed, more akwardly.

"In need of a hug." 

"Aww, Connor!" Liv laughed, sweetly as she wrapped her arms around me and dug her head into my neck. We stayed hugging for a few minutes, before raising our heads in sync and staring into eachothers eyes. I bit my lip, to resist the tempation of wanting her lips on mine. I simply couldn't resist, though. All that was going through my mind was 'what about my girlfriend? Innocently bathing in the sun, not knowing what could be happening back at home.' I pushed that thought to the back of my brain.

"You know, to tell you the truth, I'm just willing to kiss those lips of yours, if you'll let me." I said.

Liv just smiled, and I leaned in. We kissed. Tongues. We pulled the blanket that hung on the back of the sofa down to where we lay. She takes off her jumper,  I take off mine. She takes off her top, I take off mine. "I like this game." I laughed, teasingly.

"I like it too." She whispered as she ran her lips up my neck. 

Let's spare the gore. It's not 50 Shades Of Grey, after all most of my readers are probably aged twelve. Let's just say that things got messy, very messy. 

We trailed off into my bedroom, hand in hand, and shut the door behind us. X Factor still roared in the background. My pizza was left uneaten. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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